Will Ospreay downplayed Dave Meltzer’s five-star match philosophy while with the Dick Cavett of our time, RJ City.
Ospreay was the latest guest on RJ’s “Hey! EW” and City, the longtime adversary of David Arquette, noted that Dave Meltzer must really like Ospreay. He asks Will if he thinks he’s as good as Meltzer really thinks Ospreay is. Instead of putting himself over, Ospreay decided to make sure Kurt Angle was given the praise worthy of an Olympic Gold Medalist.
“No, cause when you talk about guys like Kurt Angle and he hasn’t got like one five-star match, I’m nowhere near the level Kurt Angle is.
“Stuff that Kurt Angle could never do, I could do, but stuff that I could never do, Kurt Angle could do.
“I think it’s just his opinion, you know what I mean? Opinions are like a**holes, everyone’s got one.”
Ospreay very much shares the same sentiment as his rival Kenny Omega, who on several occassions noted how much he appreciates the in-ring work of Kurt Angle. Kurt has also reciprocated Omega’s praise, putting “The Cleaner” over for the work he does in the ring as well.
Much ado has been made about Meltzer’s star-ratings system and it’s validity, but Meltzer himself did reiterate Ospreay’s thoughts in that those ratings are just his opinion.
Perhaps the more controversail discussion point was that Meltzer decided to break his own ratings system by adding more stars to his judging criteria, giving Omega a whopping seven-star match.