5 NXT Wrestlers Given New Names
Several NXT wrestlers are now listed under different names on the WWE Performance Center website. Wrestlers Trevor Lee, Adrian Jaoude, Luke Menzies, Jessie Elaban, and Eric Bugenhagen are now listed by their new WWE ring names.
Trevor Lee is now Cameron Grimes
Former X-Division champion Trevor Lee Caddell is now Cameron Grimes. It’s possible Grimes took his new first name from the city he’s from, Cameron, North Carolina.
Adrian Jaoude is now Arturo Ruas
Brazilian-Lebanese wrestler Adrian Jaoude is now known by the name Arturo Ruas. He often teams with Cezar Bonani at NXT live events.
Luke Menzies is now Ridge Holland
Former professional rugby league player Luke Menzies will no longer go by his real name in NXT. Assigned to the NXT UK brand, Menzies will now go by the name Ridge Holland.
Jessie Elaban is now Jessi Kamea
Jessi Kamea competed in the Mae Young Classic last year and most recently lost to Vanessa Borne on an episode of NXT last month.
Eric Bugenhagen is now Rik Bugez
Bugenhagen made a big splash in his NXT debut but will now go under a different name. Rik Bugez will now be the in-ring name for the Superstar.