AEW Double Or Nothing Results: Title Matches, Stadium Stampede, Casino Battle Royale

AEW Double or Nothing aired live from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, Florida. Kenny Omega defended the AEW Championship against PAC & Orange Cassidy in a Triple Threat match. The Pinnacle faced Inner Circle in a Stadium Stampede match and Inner Circle would be forced to break up if they lost. It was also announced that Mark Henry will be joining the AEW broadcast team for Rampage.

Double or Nothing Results

  1. Serena Deeb def. Riho via submission to retain the NWA Women’s Championship (Buy In)
  2. Hangman Page def. Brian Cage
  3. Young Bucks def. Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston to retain the AEW Tag Team Championships
  4. Jungle Boy won the Casino Battle Royal & earned a shot at the AEW Championship
  5. Cody def. Anthony Ogogo
  6. Miro def. Lance Archer to retain the TNT Championship
  7. Britt Baker def. Hikaru Shida via submission to become the new AEW Women’s Champion
  8. Sting & Darby Allin def. Scorpio Sky & Ethan Page
  9. Kenny Omega def. Orange Cassidy & Pac to retain the AEW Championship
  10. Inner Circle def. The Pinnacle in a Stadium Stampede match

Here are the takeaways from the PPV:

Hangman Page Picked Up A Win After Brian Cage Refused Help From Team Taz

Brian Cage squared off against Hangman Page in the first match of the night. Taz joined commentary for the match. Cage controlled the action early and beat Hangman down in the corner of the ring. Cage launched Page into the turnbuckle and Hangman crashed to the canvas.

Cage lifted Hangman up with ease and did some curls with him. Hangman planted Cage with a Crucifix Bomb out of nowhere and went for the cover but but Brian was able to power out at two. Hangman went for a Clothesline but Cage didn’t budge. Cage responded with a Clothesline of his own and Hangman fell to the canvas. Hangman then hit a Clothesline that sent both men out of the ring.

Hangman Page climbed to the top rope and hit a massive Moonsault onto Cage outside the ring. Page went back to the top rope but Cage caught him with some chops to the chest. Page then hit an incredible reverse Hurricanrana and went for the cover but somehow Cage was able to kick out at two.

Cage connected with a knee to the face and followed it up with a one-armed Neckbreaker for a near fall. Cage hit an uppercut but Page battled back with some elbows to the face. Brian slammed Hangman across the top rope and followed it up with a massive Suplex on the entrance ramp as the crowd broke out in a loud “holy sh*t!” chant.

Back in the ring, Cage brought Hangman back up to the top rope and hit a slam for a two count. Cage went for a Buckshot Lariat but Hangman reversed into an F10 for a near fall. Cage dodged the Buckshot Lariat and planted him with a German Suplex. Cage connected with a Powerbomb and then a Buckle Bomb. Cage leveled Hangman with a Clothesline and followed it up with a Liger Bomb for another two count.

Ricky Starks and Hook ran down to the ring and slid the FTW title into the ring. Cage declined and threw the title out of the ring. Cage started arguing with Hook and turned around into a Buckshot Lariat from Hangman for the pinfall victory. Taz flipped out on commentary as his team clearly isn’t on the same page. After the match, Cage shoved Hook and Ricky Starks away and left the ring.

Young Bucks Retained In A Great Match

The Young Bucks defended the AEW Tag Team Championships against Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston tonight at Double or Nothing. Moxley and Kingston entered to “Wild Thing” as the crowd sang along and Don Callis accompanied the champs to the ring.

Kingston and Moxley attacked Matt and Nick while they were posing during their entrance and beat them down. Moxley downed a beer in the crowd and sent Matt into the barricade. Kingston launched Nick into the barricade and then shoved Brandon Cutler to the floor. Moxley choked Cutler and then leveled him with a Lariat/ German Suplex combo.

Young Bucks took control when the match officially started and isolated Eddie Kingston in the ring. Matt and Nick took turns beating Kingston down and focusing their attack on Kingston’s knee. Matt posed and danced around the ring as the crowd booed.

Matt hit a Body Slam and then posed like Hulk Hogan before Moxley dragged him out of the ring. Moxley hit a massive Clothesline and Nick tagged in. Nick leaped into an Exploder Suplex from Kingston as Moxley pleaded for a tag. Moxley and Matt tagged in and Jon hit a boot to the face.

Moxley hit a Piledriver on Nick Jackson and then delivered another one to Matt for a two count. Jon locked in the Bulldog Choke but Nick broke it up with a kick to the face. Moxley hit a DDT and then hit Nick with a Clothesline in the corner. Moxley sent Matt flying across the ring with a Back Body Drop as Karl Anderson made his way down the entrance ramp. Kingston took out Gallows with a knee to the face as Frankie Kazarian attacked Karl Anderson.

Matt sprayed the aerosol in Moxley’s face and smashed him over the head with it while the referee was distracted. Matt then went for the cover but Moxley somehow kicked out at two. Young Bucks brought Moxley to the entrance ramp and hit him with the Meltzer Driver.

The blood poured down Moxley’s face as Matt unloaded several punches. Nick hit Moxley with a Senton and went for the cover but Jon was able to kick out at two. Young Bucks took turns booting Moxley in the chest until Jon fell to the mat. Matt applied a Headlock in the middle of the ring as Jon wiped the blood from his eyes.

Moxley battled back with a German Suplex on Matt and Nick at the same time. Eddie tagged in and unloaded some punches to the face. A loud “Eddie!” chant broke out as Kingston planted Matt with a DDT. Nick punched Eddie in the face a few times but Kingston shrugged them off and hit a boot to the face.

Kingston hit Matt with a flurry of chops but Nick caught him with a Superkick to the injured knee. Young Bucks followed it up with Sliced Bread and Matt went for the cover but Kingston kicked out at two. Nick made his way to the top rope and went for a Senton but Kingston got his knees up.

Jon tagged in and walked into stereo Superkicks from the Young Bucks. Moxley got Matt in the Bulldog Choke but Nick broke it up with a 450 Splash. Matt went for the cover but Jon kicked out at two. Nick sent Moxley into the barricade but Jon hopped back up and broke up a Meltzer Driver. Kingston lifted Matt up in the Electric Chair and Moxley hit them with the Young Bucks shoes for a near fall. Nick leveled Eddie with a knee to the face as a “fight forever!” chant broke out.

Nick went for a Superkick but Moxley blocked it. Jon went for the Paradigm Shift but Nick escaped and got Moxley into a Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring. Matt held Kingston back but he escaped and broke up the hold. Jon leveled Nick with a Lariat and followed it up with the Paradigm Shift. Moxley went for the cover but Matt leaped across the ring and broke it up at the last moment.

Moxley delivered some headbutts to Nick’s face as the crowd chanted “AEW!”. Young Bucks hit Moxley with a couple Superkicks but he responded with a Clothesline. Young Bucks then leveled Moxley with a few Superkicks and Nick went for the cover but Jon kicked out at one.

The crowd chanted “Moxley!” but Young Bucks sent him down with some more Superkicks. Young Bucks then leveled Kingston with a couple Superkicks as the crowd booed. Young Bucks hit Moxley with the BTE Trigger and then hit him with four more for the pinfall victory. Young Bucks are still the AEW Tag Team Champions.

Jungle Boy Won The Casino Battle Royale

Matt Sydal, Max Caster, Christian Cage, Dustin Rhodes, and Powerhouse Hobbs started off the Casino Battle Royal. Paul Wight joined commentary for the match. Max sent Sydal over the top rope for the first elimination of the match. Cage threw Caster one the top rope for the elimination as five more competitors entered the match.

Matt Hardy and 10 battled on the entrance ramp. 10 Powerbombed Isiah Kassidy on the entrance ramp as Nick Comoroto made his way to the ring. Serpentico entered the match as well but was quickly eliminated. 10 planted Comoroto with a Spinebuster but Nick popped up and hit a massive Spear. Dustin Rhodes eliminated 10 and Comoroto. Nick then hit Dustin with a cheap shot and Powerhouse Hobbs eliminated him.

Christian Cage sent Hobbs through the ropes but Matt and Isiah attacked Christian from behind. Varsity Blondes entered the match and leveled Matt & Kassidy with a couple Dropkicks. Colt Cabana entered the match and hit Matt with a few punches. Anthony Bowens entered and planted Brian Pillman Jr. with a Brainbuster.

Pentagon Jr. entered the match and booted Bowens in the face. Pentagon unloaded some chops as Colt Cabana was eliminated. Varsity Blondes eliminated Bowens and then battled with Hardy and Kassidy. Matt eliminated Griff Garrison as Pentagon hit Pillman with some chops. Pentagon booted Pillman in the face and then delivered some punches to Matt Hardy.

Jungle Boy entered as the crowd sang along to his theme. Pentagon hit Jungle Boy with a couple Slingblades and followed it up with a Neckbreaker. Marq Quen entered and Private Party hit Gin & Juice on Pillman and then eliminated him. Aaron Solow, Evil Uno, and Lee Johnson entered the match and Solow was quickly eliminated.

Matt sent Lee Johnson over the top rope for the quick elimination and then battled with Jungle Boy. Pentagon sent Evil Uno to the apron and eliminated him with a kick to the face. Jungle Boy eliminated Pentagon as Hobbs got back into the ring. Powerhouse went for a Splash but Christian got out of the way.

Cage then sent Hobbs over the top rope for the elimination. Private Party then beat Christian and Jungle Boy down until the “joker” entered the match. Lio Rush was revealed as the joker and hit Kassidy with a Splash. Lio planted Quen with a Destroyer and then a Spanish Fly to Kassidy.

Lio slapped Matt in the face and hit him with a springboard Stunner. Private Party battled with Lio and Matt snuck up from behind and eliminated Rush. Matt hit Jungle Boy with the Side Effect but Jungle Boy responded with a Clothesline. Jungle Boy eliminated Kassidy and then Cage eliminated Quen.

It was down to Christian Cage, Matt Hardy, and Jungle Boy. Matt tried to get Christian to team up with him but Cage launched him over the top rope for the elimination. Cage went to lock up with Jungle Boy but booted him in the ribs and went for the quick elimination. Jungle Boy desperately hung onto the ropes and broke free. Cage leveled him with an uppercut off the top rope but Jungle Boy was able to connect with an Enziguri.

Cage hit the Killswitch and threw Jungle Boy over the top rope. Jungle Boy held onto the ropes and pulled Cage to the apron. Jungle Boy swung around the ring post and sent Christian over the top rope with a Back Body Drop for the elimination. Jungle Boy won the Casino Battle Royal and earned a shot at the AEW Championship. After the match, Christian Cage shared a hug with Jungle Boy and told him to go get the AEW Championship.

Cody def. Anthony Ogogo

Cody Rhodes squared off with Anthony Ogogo tonight at Double or Nothing. Arn Anderson and QT Marshall were ringside for the match. Cody went for an Armbar to begin the action but Ogogo was able to block it. Rhodes booted Ogogo in the midsection but Anthony caught him with the punch to the ribs. Ogogo planted Cody with an Olympic Slam and went for the cover but Cody kicked out at two.

Ogogo charged at Rhodes but Cody caught him with a Powerslam. Anthony stomped Cody down to the mat and went for another punch but Cody tackled him. Cody applied a submission hold but Ogogo escaped and rolled out of the ring. Cody went for a Suicide Dive but Ogogo hit him with a forearm to the face. Ogogo hit a German Suplex and then a couple kicks to Cody’s ribs.

Anthony hit an Elbow Drop for a two count and started arguing with the referee. Ogogo raked Cody’s eyes and hit him with a Splash in the corner. Ogogo turned Cody inside out with a Clothesline and went for the cover but Rhodes was able to kick out at two. QT Marshall hit Cody with a cheap shot as Ogogo distracted the referee. Arn Anderson then chased QT with a steel chair as Cody dodged an Elbow Drop in the ring.

Rhodes tried to battle back but Ogogo slammed him to the mat with a two count. Ogogo bounced Cody’s neck off the middle rope and Rhodes regrouped with Arn Anderson. Ogogo was bleeding from his head and Cody hit him with some punches. Cody connected with a Running Bulldog and some more punches to the face.

Rhodes hit the Cutter and then perched Ogogo up on the top turnbuckle. Ogogo knocked Cody to the mat with a jab to the face and followed it up with a Frog Splash for a near fall. Rhodes hit a Dropkick and locked in the Figure Four in the middle of the ring. QT tried to push the bottom rope closer to Ogogo but Anthony was able to reverse the hold.

Cody broke free and hit Ogogo with an elbow to the face. Cody went for Cross Rhodes but Ogogo blocked it and dropped him with an uppercut. Ogogo went for the cover but the referee wouldn’t count because Cody’s arm was under the bottom rope. Ogogo hit a slam and went for the cover but Rhodes kicked out at two. Cody battled back and hit a Vertebreaker for the pinfall victory.

Opinion: The build to this match wasn’t engaging and did not get me invested in the storyline at all. I’m not sure what the point of this victory was for Cody and was expecting Ogogo to win this one.

Miro Retained The TNT Championship

Miro defended the TNT Championship against Lance Archer tonight. Archer went for a Suicide Dive during Miro’s entrance but his leg caught on the ropes. Lance hit a Moonsault and went for the cover but Miro kicked out at two. Miro controlled the next couple minutes and slammed Archer through a table outside the ring.

Back in the ring, Archer connected with a Crossbody but Miro responded with a boot to the face. Miro hit Archer with a few kicks to the chest but Lance responded with a Side Slam for a near fall. Lance went for a Moonsault off the top rope but Miro got out of the way. Miro hit a boot to the face and then a Samoan Drop for a near fall.

Miro stomped on the mat a few times as Lance stumbled to his feet in the corner of the ring. Jake Roberts made his way down the entrance ramp with a snake in a bag. Miro hit Archer with the Machka Kick and then launched the snake up the entrance ramp. Miro was about to hit Jake with a Machka Kick but Archer broke it up with a Chokeslam for a near fall.

Archer perched Miro up on the top turnbuckle and went for the Blackout but the TNT Champion escaped. Archer sent Miro tumbling out of the ring with a massive shoulder tackle. Lance rolled Miro back inside but Miro caught him with a boot to the knee. Miro followed it up with a Suplex and then the Machka Kick. Miro stomped on Archer’s back and locked in the Game Over in the middle of the ring. Archer tried to battle to his feet but Miro got him in a Crossface and Lance passed out. Miro is still the TNT Champion.

Britt Baker Captured The AEW Women’s Title

Hikaru Shida defended the AEW Women’s Championship against Britt Baker tonight at Double or Nothing. Rebel accompanied Baker to the ring for the match. The action started off back and forth but Britt was able to take control. Baker put on her glove and stomped Shida down against the ropes.

Britt planted Shida with a Suplex and went for the cover but Shida powered out at two. Baker shoved Shida to the corner but the AEW Women’s Champion battled back with a forearm to the face. Baker bounced Shida’s face off the middle turnbuckle and dragged her to the middle of the ring.

Baker got Hikaru in a Headlock but Shida countered into a Suplex for a two count. Shida hit a Running Knee and went for the cover but Baker kicked out at two. Shida and Baker traded forearm shots in the middle of the ring. Shida connected with an Enziguri but Baker responded with a Neckbreaker for a two count.

Hikaru tripped Baker up and went for a Stretch Muffler submission but Britt was able to escape. Baker hit a boot to the face and followed it up with a Slingblade. Britt hit an Air Raid Crash and went for the cover but Shida kicked out two. Baker hit Shida with a few elbows to the face and then applied the Lockjaw. Shida countered into a German Suplex and then an elbow to the face for a two count.

Britt and Hikaru battled to the top turnbuckle and Shida hit a Superplex for a near fall. Baker rolled up Shida for a two count and then Rebel hopped on the ring apron for a distraction. Rebel accidentally hit Baker with a crutch and Shida covered her for a two count. Hikaru then planted Baker with the Falcon Arrow and went for the pin but somehow Baker kicked out at two.

Rebel got on the apron again and distracted the referee. Britt hit Shida with the title and then stomped her face onto it. Baker then went for the cover but Shida somehow kicked out at the last moment. Britt tried for the Lockjaw but Shida countered into a cover for a near fall. Shida hit a Running Knee to Baker’s face and followed it up with another one for a two count. Britt then applied the Lockjaw in the middle of the ring for the submission victory. Britt Baker is the new AEW Women’s Champion.

Sting & Darby Allin Picked Up A Win

Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky faced Darby Allin & Sting tonight at the PPV. Page and Scorpio attacked them during their entrance and hit Sting with a Suplex. Sting popped up and threw Scorpio to the floor. Sting then dove off the poker chip to a massive pop from the crowd.

Ethan and Scorpio isolated Darby in the corner and took turns beating him down to begin the action. Sky planted Allin with a Cutter as Ethan Page cackled from the apron. Page tagged in and launched Allin into the turnbuckle.

Sky tagged back in and brought Darby to the canvas. Scorpio hit Allin with a big Backbreaker as Sting pleaded for a tag from the apron. Page tagged in and hit an elbow to Allin’s chest. Ethan taunted Sting and hit Darby with a Suplex in the middle of the ring.

Scorpio tagged back in and continued to beat the hell out of the former TNT Champion. Sky launched Allin into the turnbuckle and taunted Sting once again. Sting tagged in but referee Aubrey Edwards didn’t see it. Aubrey told Sting to get out of the ring as the crowd booed.

Ethan Page lifted Darby above his shoulders and launched Darby onto his family in the crowd. Back in the ring, Sting got Ethan in the Scorpion Deathlock as Scorpio got Allin in a Heel Hook. Sting and Scorpio then traded punches and Sting sent him to the corner. Sting missed with a Splash but blocked a Cutter attempt from Scorpio Sky. Sting then hit the Scorpion Death Drop for the pinfall victory.

Kenny Omega Retained The AEW Title

Kenny Omega defended the AEW Championship against Orange Cassidy & PAC in a Triple Threat match tonight at Double or Nothing. Omega sent Cassidy out of the ring and hit Pac with a shoulder tackle as Don Callis joined commentary. Pac and Omega went for a Crossbody at the same time and collided in the ring.

Orange Cassidy slowly rolled into the ring and lazily tried to cover them both. Cassidy hit Pac with a Suicide Dive outside the ring and then planted Omega with a DDT for a near fall. Cassidy went for an Orange Punch but Omega shut it down and sent Orange to the turnbuckle.

Pac hit the AEW Champion with a Hurricanrana and followed it up with a Moonsault off the apron as the crowd chanted “this is awesome!”. Omega hit Cassidy with a Backstabber and slammed Pac to the canvas. Omega raked Pac’s face across the top rope and hit him with a Back Drop for a two count.

Omega hit Pac with a knee strike that sent him flying into the turnbuckle. Kenny then delivered a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker and followed it up with a couple chops to the chest. Omega connected with another Backbreaker and went for the cover but Cassidy kicked out at two.

Kenny hit Cassidy with a forearm to the lower back but Orange responded with an elbow to the face. Pac and Cassidy then traded shots outside the ring. Omega sprinted across the ring and flipped onto them. Kenny then looked into the camera with an insane look on his face and fired up the crowd.

Omega rolled Orange into the ring and went for a Suplex but Cassidy countered into the Stundog Millionaire. Cassidy went for Beach Break but Omega countered into a roll-up for a two count. Pac climbed to the top rope and hit an epic 450 Splash onto both Omega and Cassidy as they traded pinfall attempts.

Kenny hit Pac with a Snap Dragon Suplex and followed it up with one to Cassidy. Omega hit another Snap Dragon on Cassidy and followed it up with a V-Trigger. Kenny went for a V-Trigger on Pac but he reversed into a German Suplex. Pac hit Cassidy with a Superkick but turned around into a Clothesline from the AEW Champion.

Cassidy stumbled up to his knees but Omega greeted him with another V-Trigger. Omega perched Cassidy up on the top turnbuckle and set up for an Avalanche German Suplex. Cassidy blocked it by putting his hands in his pockets to a great reaction from the crowd. Pac then hit Omega with a German Suplex off the top rope as Cassidy was able to sit there with his hands still in his pockets.

Orange Cassidy hit Pac with a Cannonball with his hands still in his pockets. Omega then planted Cassidy with a Tiger Driver in the middle of the ring and went for the cover but Orange kicked out at two. Omega went for the One Winged Angel but Pac blocked it. Omega hit a German Suplex and went for the cover but Pac powered out at two.

Omega pulled his knee pad down and hit two V-Triggers. Orange Cassidy put his hands in his pockets again and fell face first to the mat. Pac hit Omega with a jab but the champ responded with a chop to the chest. Omega hit Pac with a V-Trigger but turned around into a Michinoku Driver from Cassidy. Pac then hit Cassidy with a Brainbuster and went for the cover but Cassidy kicked out at two as the crowd chanted “AEW!”.

Pac perched Cassidy up on the top turnbuckle and lifted him up for a Superplex but Omega broke it up. Kenny knocked Cassidy to the floor but Pac planted him with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. Pac perched Kenny up on the opposite turnbuckle and hit him with an avalanche Falcon Arrow. Orange Cassidy launched Pac out of the ring and tried to pin Omega but Kenny kicked out at two.

Orange Cassidy hit Pac with a couple lazy kicks and Pac hit a low blow. Pac hit Omega with a Suicide Dive and then delivered a Black Arrow to Cassidy. Pac went for the cover but Omega dove through the ropes to break it up at the last second as the crowd chanted “this is awesome!”.

Pac climbed to the top rope and went for a Black Arrow but Omega rolled out of the way. Kenny lifted Pac up for the One Winged Angel but Pac countered into the Brutalizer in the middle of the ring. Orange hit the Orange Punch and followed it up with Beach Break on Omega for a near fall.

Pac went for another low blow but Orange Cassidy blocked it. Cassidy leveled Pac with an Orange Punch and delivered another one to Omega. Don Callis shouted “shit!” and left the commentary table. Cassidy hit Pac with another Orange Punch and went for the cover but Callis dragged the referee out of the ring. Cassidy climbed to the top rope but Omega hit him with some punches.

Cassidy booted Omega to the floor and went for a DDT but Pac countered into the Brutalizer in the middle of the ring. Omega stomped on PAC several times but he wouldn’t let go so Kenny took out the referee. Callis threw Omega a title and he hit Pac in the face with it. Callis threw Kenny another belt and Kenny hit Pac with it. Don then handed Kenny another belt as the crowd chanted “bullshit!”. Omega hit Pac with it and then hit Pac with the AEW Championship as blood poured down his face.

Orange Cassidy hit Omega with the Orange Punch and went for the cover but there was no referee. Aubrey Edwards rushed to the ring and started counting but Omega reversed into a roll-up on Cassidy for the pinfall victory. Kenny Omega is still the AEW Champion.

Inner Circle Won Stadium Stampede

The Pinnacle faced Inner Circle in a Stadium Stampede match. MJF cut a promo before the match and Inner Circle entered the stadium by repelling down the scoreboard. MJF hopped in his limo and locked Inner Circle out. FTR, Wardlow, Shawn Spears, and Tully Blanchard showed up and ambushed Inner Circle.

Sammy and Spears battled in the ring at the center of the stadium as Hager tried to shove Wardlow into a burning trash can. Sammy planted Spears with a springboard Cutter and then kneed Wardlow in the face. Guevara hopped back to the top rope and went for a flip but Spears dodged it. Spears planted Sammy with a Blue Thunder Bomb as MJF emerged from the limo.

Chris Jericho got in MJF’s face as The Pinnacle and Inner Circle brawled around them. MJF sprayed Le Champion with a fire extinguisher and then scampered away. Jericho chased after him as Santana threw Cash Wheeler into the stands. Chris caught up to MJF and shoved his head into a trash can. MJF threw a drink in Jericho’s face and smashed him over the head with a phone.

Jericho grabbed a bullhorn and shouted in MJF’s face before clapping a couple cooking trays over his head. Jericho shoved a table into MJF’s ribs and pressed him against a wall before punching him to the floor. Chris beat MJF with a trash can before battling into Jaguars coach Urban Meyer’s office. Urban threw Jericho a football and he launched it MJF.

MJF poked Jericho in the eye and swung a helmet at him. Jericho ducked and wheeled MJF out of the office with a computer chair. MJF hit Jericho’s injured arm but Jericho flipped a whiteboard into Max’s face. Chris found another trash can and threw it at MJF before tacking him through a door.

Hager and Wardlow then traded punches backstage. Wardlow bounced Hager off a wall and tried to lock him in a freezer. Wardlow hit Hager with some containers before Jake shoved him into the freezer. Wardlow tried to hit Hager with an icepick but Jake blocked it. Hager beat Wardlow down and the two battled out of the freezer. Wardlow bounced a storage crate off Hager’s face and shoved him into it a few times.

Jake flipped off Wardlow and it just pissed him off. Wardlow hit Hager with a knee to the ribs and then a massive right hand. Hager flipped Wardlow off again and he Speared him through a gimmicked wall. Sammy stumbled upon Shawn sitting in a room full of chairs. Sammy hit a flying forearm but Spears battled back with a running kick to the face.

Guevara hit a spin kick and then leaped off a forklift for another kick. Sammy went for a Crossbody but Shawn caught him and threw him into a steel door. Guevara choked Spears with an extension cord but Shawn grabbed a ladder and bounced it off Sammy’s face. Spears then handcuffed Sammy and walked away.

Santana & Ortiz found FTR and Tully in the VIP club and beat up everyone else. The two teams shared a drink before Konnan was revealed as the DJ. The two teams started brawling all over the place and trading punches while rolling around on the floor.

Tully tried to hit Ortiz with a pipe but Konnan stopped him. Ortiz jabbed Tully in the ribs and hit him over the head. Cash and Dax broke it up and started brawling with Santana & Ortiz again. Ortiz bashed Harwood down to the ground with a trash can over and over gain. Cash started throwing beer bottles at Ortiz until he fell to his knees.

Santana tackled Cash into an elevator and stomped him to the floor. The doors shut as the action cut back to Wardlow and Hager. Wardlow bounced Hager’s face off the top of a golf cart but Jake caught him with a low blow. Hager then Chokeslammed Wardlow off the golf cart.

MJF and Jericho were shown battling again. MJF shut a door on Jericho’s face and then stomped on his injured arm on a desk. MJF chuckled to himself as Jericho walked away to buy some time. Jericho jabbed MJF in the face and then stapled a card to his forehead.

Jericho charged but MJF was ready and decked him with a punch. MJF then planted Jericho with a Piledriver on top of a desk for a near fall. MJF grabbed a hammer but Chris found another trash can and hit MJF with it. Chris opened a door to reveal Floyd the baseball bat and bashed MJF in the face with it.

Chris talked some trash to MJF before smashing him through a glass window. MJF was busted open and Jericho started dragging him by his hair as the camera cut to Shawn Spears. Shawn ran from a motorcycle gang as Jericho and MJF battled into Daily’s Place. MJF slammed Jericho’s arm on the steel rail and screamed like maniac as the blood rained down his face.

MJF tried to throw Jericho off the stands into the crowd but Chris blocked it. Jericho then Powerbombed MJF onto a random table set up by taped off seats. Spears showed up at Daily’s Place but Sammy somehow broke free and chased him with a golf cart. Sammy ran Spears over and stood on top of cart as the crowd roared.

Sammy went for a chair shot but Spears dodged it. Shawn grabbed the steel chair and hit Guevara across the chest for a two count. Spears grabbed the chair again and told Sammy that he should have stayed down. Guevara flipped Spears the bird and Shawn hit him with the chair for a near fall.

Spears set up the chair in between the ropes in the corner as the crowd booed in Daily’s Place. Guevara hit the GTH out of nowhere and stomped Shawn’s face into the steel chair in the corner. Guevara climbed to the top rope and hit a 630 Senton on Spears for the pinfall victory. Inner Circle defeated The Pinnacle in the Stadium Stampede match and will stay together as a faction. Inner Circle flipped the bird in the ring as pyro went off to close Double or Nothing.

Opinion: The Stadium Stampede match was fun but it took too long for the action to get to Daily’s Place in my opinion. The live crowd was adding so much to this show and there was a lull during the first portion of Stadium Stampede as they battled in TIAA Bank Field. There were still several fun moments and the energy really picked up when they arrived in Daily’s Place. Overall, Double or Nothing was a very entertaining show. The low point was Rhodes vs. Ogogo but every other match delivered and the four hour show flew by.

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