AEW Dynamite Results (12/1): CM Punk & Bryan Danielson In Action, Atlanta Street Fight
AEW Dynamite aired live from the Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA. Cody Rhodes faced Andrade El Idolo in an Atlanta Street Fight in the main event. CM Punk squared off against Lee Moriarty and Bryan Dranielson faced Alan “5” Angels from Dark Order. The TBS Championship Tournament continued with a quarterfinals matchup between Ruby Soho & Kris Statlander.
Dynamite Results (12/1)
- Bryan Danielson def. Alan “5” Angels
- CM Punk def. Lee Moriarty
- Wardlow def. AC Adams
- Darby Allin & Sting def. Gunn Club
- Ruby Soho def. Kris Statlander to advance in the TBS Championship tournament
- Cody Rhodes def. Andrade El Idolo in an Atlanta Street Fight
Here are the takeaways from this week’s show:
Bryan Danielson def. Alan Angels, Title Match Set For Winter Is Coming
Bryan Danielson faced Alan “5” Angels from Dark Order in the first match of the night. AEW Champion Hangman Adam Page joined commentary for the match. Hangman Page will defend the title against Bryan Danielson in two weeks at Dynamite: Winter is Coming.
Danielson controlled the action early and quickly applied a Half Crag. Angels got to the bottom rope but Danielson waited until the referee counted to four. Danielson laughed and stayed by the ropes as Angels wanted to fight. Eventually, Danielson locked up with Angels and drover him to the corner.
Angels escaped and lit up Danielson’s chest with some chops. Danielson hit Angels with an uppercut and some knee strikes to the face. Angels hit a weak kick to Danielson’s leg and Bryan no sold it. Danielson shoved Angels back to the corner and delivered some chops until Alan collapsed to the canvas.
Danielson pulled Alan up only to drop him back down with a running Dropkick to the face. Bryan posed before bouncing Angel’s face off the turnbuckle. Bryan hit a series of uppercuts before posing again for the booing crowd. Angels reversed an uppercut into a roll-up for a two count before hitting some punches. Danielson hit a Suplex and went for an Armbar but Angels reached the bottom rope to break it up.
Angels caught Bryan with a Dropkick and knocked him out of the ring. Angels hit a Suicide Dive and quickly climbed to the middle turnbuckle. Alan connected with a Moonsault and rolled Danielson back into the ring. Angels climbed to the top rope but Danielson was back up. Angels hopped down and hit a standing Spanish Fly for a near fall. Angels went back to the top rope and went for a Moonsault but Danielson got out of the way.
Bryan hit the Running Knee but waved to the crowd that the match wasn’t over. Danielson stomped on Angel’s face over and over again before applying a Knee Bar for the submission victory. Bryan flexed while maintaining the hold for a bit after the match was over. Danielson flexed into the camera and vowed to become the next AEW Champion.
After the match, Tony Schiavone interviewed Bryan Danielson. A rare “Tony!” chant broke out as Schiavone said the Danielson seemed more than ready for his title shot. Danielson joked that he may have snapped Angels MCL and stated that he is going to stomp in a Dark Order’s member from Long Island next week.
Danielson told Hangman Page that he is going to take the AEW Championship in two weeks. Bryan added that he will the show the world that it is “Coward Shit” and not Cowboy Shit. Hangman was about to make his way to the ring but John Silver stopped him. Silver noted that Tony Khan has mandated that Hangman Page and Danielson cannot fight tonight. Silver said that he can fight Danielson and rushed the ring. Danielson exited the ring and said that Silver is beneath him.
MJF Mocked CM Punk & Hid Behind Wardlow
CM Punk battled Lee Moriarty tonight on Dynamite. Just as CM Punk hopped on the ring apron, MJF’s theme hit and he joined commentary for the match. Punk stared at him as MJF noted that Punk looks haggard. MJF joked that “CM” stands for cooking meth as Punk & Moriarty locked up to begin the action.
Punk cartwheeled out of a Wrist Lock and applied one of his own. Moriarty took Punk down to the canvas as MJF showed off his Dynamite Diamond Ring. MJF claimed that CM Punk already looked tired and that this is laughable. Maxwell wondered if CM Punk really was a top guy if he was struggling this much with Lee Moriarty.
Lee took Punk down with an Arm Drag but Punk battled to his feet. Punk connected with a leg lariat and followed it up with a springboard Clothesline as Dynamite went to a commercial break. When Dynamite returned, Punk was in control after hitting a couple Body Slams and getting Moriarty in a Headlock.
Moriarty escaped and hit Punk with a Clothesline. Lee followed it up with a kick to the face and then an uppercut. Lee hit a Suplex and went for the cover but Punk kicked out at two. The crowd got behind Punk as he battled back. Punk hit a Crossbody but Moriarty rolled through for a near fall. Lee got Punk in a Crossface in the middle off the ring but Punk was able to get his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold.
Punk hit a boot to the midsection and perched Lee up on the top turnbuckle. CM Punk punched Moriarty in the face and joined him up on the top rope. Punk hit a Hurricanrana but Lee rolled through into a cover for a two count. CM Punk booted Lee on the side of the head and bought himself some time to regroup. Lee hit Punk with the Pepsi Twist and followed it up with a running kick to the face. Moriarty hit a slam and went for the cover for a two count. Punk hit the GTS for the pinfall victory and improved to 8-0 in AEW.
After the match, MJF grabbed a microphone and told Punk that he was proud of him because it takes a lot of balls to claim you are the Best in the World when you are struggling to beat QT Marshall and Lee Moriarty. MJF joked that Punk was the best in world in trying to get in Britt Baker’s pants and Punk asked for a microphone. CM Punk told MJF that QT Marshall and Lee Moriarty were both better than MJF and he knows it. Punk challenged MJF to bring his little needle dick into the ring right now and he will kick his ass all the way to Long Island.
MJF told the crowd that they weren’t going to see a fight tonight. Maxwell vowed to win the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal next week in his hometown. MJF claimed that he was going to be better that Piper in Portland, Bret Hart in Canada, and CM Punk in Chicago. MJF threatened to put Larry (CM Punk’s dog) to sleep and Punk marched up the entrance ramp. Wardlow showed up and got in CM Punk’s face. AEW officials broke it up and Punk stared at MJF & Wardlow as they left.
Later on Dynamite, Wardlow faced AC Adams and beat him in a quick squash match. Wardlow hit Adams with four Powerbombs for the pinfall victory. Shawn Spears attacked AC Adams with a steel chair after the match before raising Wardlow’s hand.
Adam Cole & Young Bucks Attacked Orange Cassidy
Adam Cole joined commentary and traded words with Tony Schiavone. Orange Cassidy made his entrance for a match but got distracted by the Young Bucks. Adam Cole hit Cassidy with a low blow and Young Bucks mocked his lazy kicks before delivering a double Superkick to the face. Matt and Nick posed before Best Friends made the save. Cole and Young Bucks retreated as Chuck Taylor & Wheeler Yuta checked on Cassidy.
Darby Allin & Sting def. Gunn Club
Darby Allin & Sting faced Billy & Colten Gunn this week on Dynamite. Allin and Colten started off the action. Colten got Darby in a Headlock but Darby escaped. Colten hit a shoulder tackle but Allin battled back. Darby went for an Arm Drag and connected before hitting a Dropkick that sent Colten to the corner.
Billy Gunn tagged in and started at Sting. Darby backed to the corner and Sting tagged in. Sting and Billy Gunn got in a stare down before Gunn went for a jab. Sting blocked it and hit an Atomic Drop. Sting followed it up with a Clothesline and set up for a Splash but Billy rolled out of the ring. The Gunn Club regrouped before Colten got into the ring.
Darby tagged back in and got Colten in a Headlock. Billy tagged in and slammed Darby to the mat. Billy taunted Sting before lifting Darby up by his tights. Billy bashed Darby’s face into the top turnbuckle and tagged Colten back in. Colten beat down Allin for a bit before tagging Billy in as Dynamite went to a break.
When Dynamite returned, Allin knocked Billy off the apron and tagged in The Icon. Sting unloaded a couple Clotheslines and followed it up with Splashes in opposite corners of the ring. Sting Clotheslined Billy to the outside and planted Colten with a Spinebuster. Sting fired up the crowd and applied the Scorpion Deathlock but Billy distracted the referee.
Austin Gunn got in a cheap shot on Sting but Darby took him out with a Suicide Dive. Billy hit Sting with the Fameasser and Colten went for a cover but Sting somehow kicked out at two. Allin then leveled Billy with a ridiculous dive before hitting Colten with a Stunner. Sting followed it up with the Scorpion Death Drop for the pinfall victory.
2point0 & Daniel Garcia Attacked Jericho
Alex Marvez caught up with Chris Jericho backstage. Jericho saved Eddie Kingston from 2point0 and Daniel Garcia at the conclusion of last week’s episode of Rampage. Jericho said he wasn’t trying to help Eddie Kingston, he came out there to put a stop to 2point0 and Daniel Garcia. The interview was cut shot by 2point0 and Garcia. They attacked Jericho and bashed him over the head with a steel chair.
Ruby Soho Advanced In The TBS Championship Tournament
Ruby Soho faced Kris Statlander in the quarterfinals of the TBS Championship tournament. Statlander got Soho in a Headlock in the middle of the ring to start off the contest. Ruby escaped and got Statlander in a Headlock of her own. Kris escaped and ducked under a punch. Soho and Statlander had a stare down before locking up again.
Statlander went back to the Headlock but Ruby countered into a roll-up. Statlander went for a kick but Ruby got her hands up. Kris allowed Ruby to get up and then rolled her up for a two count. Statlander did a handstand to get out of a move and went to boot Ruby on the nose but Soho wasn’t having it. Ruby sent Kris across the ring with an Arm Drag. Soho hit another one and went for the cover but Kris kicked out at two.
When Dynamite returned from a commercial break, Statlander was in control of the match. Ruby battled back and went for a Bulldog but Statlander countered into a Powerbomb for a two count. Soho connected with a reverse Hurricanrana and went for the cover but Statlander was able to kick out at two. Statlander set up for Big Bang Theory but Soho countered into a roll-up for the pinfall victory. After the match, Statlander and Soho shook hands and Kris left the ring. Nyla Rose took the opportunity to attack Soho and beat her down before Statlander made the save. Ruby Soho will face Nyla Rose in the semifinals of the TBS Championship Tournament.
Cody def. Andrade In A Street Fight
Cody Rhodes faced Andrade El Idolo in an Atlanta Street Fight in the main event of this week’s episode of Dynamite. Jose and Arn Anderson were ringside for the match. Cody got booed by his hometown crowd during his entrance. Andrade attacked Cody at the top of the entrance ramp and the two wrestlers battled next to the stage. Arn and Jose traded punches and made their way backstage.
A “Cody!” chant broke out and Rhodes hit a Moonsault off the barricade. Cody brought Andrade through the crowd and back to the ringside area. Andrade hit Cody with a chop to the chest and lifted him up in the Fireman’s Carry. Andrade dropped Cody onto the steel steps.
Cody battled back and hit a Powerslam in the ring. Rhodes’ back looked like it was peeling from a bad sunburn as Andrade took back control. Andrade brought out a tool bag and bashed Cody with a laptop computer. Back from the break, Andrade went for a Moonsault but Rhodes countered by throwing a chair at him.
Cody went for a Suicide Dive but Andrade countered with a chair shot. Andrade took the padding off to expose the concrete floor. Andrade went for the Hammerlock DDT but Cody countered into a Back Body Drop. Cody pulled out a sledgehammer from under the ring before grabbing a golden shovel. Rhodes bashed Jose in the face as he ran down the entrance ramp. Andrade leaped off a chair onto the top turnbuckle. Andrade almost took a spill but thankfully got his balance and hit a Crossbody.
Back in the ring, Andrade put a chair on Cody’s face in the corner of the ring. Andrade hit a Running Knee that sent the chair into the busted open face of Cody. Andrade went for the cover but Cody was able to kick out at two. El Idolo set up a table in the corner and put Cody through it with an Arm Drag.
Andrade got another table and brought it into the ring. Cody grabbed the other end of it but Andrade punched him in the face. Andrade set Cody up on the table and climbed to the top turnbuckle. He took forever and Cody cut him off. Cody went for a Superplex but Andrade was able to block it. Andrade then turned his back to Cody to set up for a Moonsault. Brandi Rhodes showed up and Cody crotched Andrade on the top turnbuckle. Brandi poured gas on the table and lit it on fire. Cody hit a reverse Suplex through the table and landed back first on the flames. Cody was still on fire a bit as he covered Andrade for the pinfall victory. Cody and Brandi celebrated to end the show.