AEW Dynamite Results (7/22): Sammy Guevara Returns, Cody Defends TNT Title
AEW Dynamite aired from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, Florida. AEW announced a 8 team women’s tag team tournament called the Deadly Draw during tonight’s show.
Dynamite Results (7/22)
- Cody def. Eddie Kingston to retain the TNT Championship
- MJF def. Griff Garrison
- Young Bucks def. Butcher & Blade
- Diamante def. Ivelisse
- Hangman Page def. Five
- Inner Circle def. Jurassic Express
Here are 5 takeaways from this week’s show:
Cody Retained The TNT Championship Over Eddie Kingston

Cody defended his TNT Championship to begin the show against Eddie Kingston. Before the match, Eddie stated that he grew up around alcoholics and junkies, so he doesn’t want to hear Cody talking about a grind. Kingston added that every person Cody has faced has been a child and that he is a grown ass man. Eddie said he wanted a No DQ match for the title and if Cody doesn’t accept he is a bitch.
Match Recap: Eddie went right after Cody to start off the match and knocked the TNT Champion to the canvas. Cody battled back and hit Eddie with a Suicide Dive. Back in the ring, Cody hit Kingston with a Dropkick off the top rope. Kingston whipped Cody several times with his belt before exposing the concrete below.
Cody slammed Kingston to the concrete with a Back Body Drop. Kingston poked Cody in the eye and followed it up with a Clothesline in the ring. Eddie was holding his knee in pain after hitting Cody with a German Suplex.
Kingston sent Cody to the canvas and booted him in the back. Eddie poked Cody’s eye once again before Cody hit Kingston with a chop block to his injured knee. Cody slammed Kingston’s face into the turnbuckle and sent him towards the ropes but Eddie’s knee gave out.
Eddie lured Cody in and hit him with a low blow. Kingston followed it up with a DDT before grabbing thumbtacks from under the ring. Eddie poured them all over the center of the ring before hitting Cody with a chop. Kingston planted Cody with a Powerbomb on top of the thumbtacks in the middle of the ring.
Kingston hit Cody with a Suplex but the TNT Champion popped up and hit Eddie with a Clothesline. Cody slapped the hell out of Kingston’s face before locking in the Figure Four in the middle of the ring. Kingston tapped out and Cody is still the TNT Champion.
Opinion: This was a hell of a way to start Dynamite. Kingston’s promo was awesome and the match was entertaining as hell.
Moxely Saved Darby Allin From Cage & Starks

Brian Cage and Taz came down to the ring. Taz said that they have had a difficult week and Cage was close to firing him for throwing in the towel last week against Moxley.
Taz said that it was a business decision because he didn’t want Moxley to tear Cage’s bicep. Taz claimed that Brian Cage will never be in the position again and Cage would have never tapped out.
Taz added that Cage is the FTW Champion because he has an FTW mindset. Darby Allin interrupted before Ricky Starks attacked Allin from behind. Cage Powerbombed Allin on the stage and then back into the ring.
Starks then slammed Allin to the canvas and brought Darby’s skateboard in the ring. AEW Champion Jon Moxley rushed the ring with a barbed wire wrapped baseball bat that sent Cage and Starks retreating.
Young Bucks Def. Butcher & Blade In An Awesome Match

Young Bucks faced Butcher and Blade in a Falls Count Anywhere match.
Match Recap: The action started in the kitchen and both teams traded punches. Blade Powerbombed Nick onto a table for a two count. Young Bucks battled back and booted a sheet pan into Butcher’s face.
Butcher launched Nick Jackson into a production truck door and Jackson fell to the pavement. Matt came out of nowhere and flipped onto Butcher and Blade. Matt hit Butcher with a Senton on top of a table as Blade ran away. Young Bucks caught up to him and hit Blade with a Superkick. Blade fell onto an escalator as Dynamite went to a break.
When Dynamite returned, the action was ringside as Young Bucks were beating the hell out of Butcher. Blade arrived with a steel chair and hit the Young Bucks across the back. Matt planted Blade with a Cutter off the ring apron as Nick grabbed a table from under the ring.
Butcher planted Young Bucks with a double Suplex and set up Nick against a table. Blade tried to flip onto him but completely missed and crashed to the floor. Butcher hit Matt with a Crossbody through the table and brought Matt into the ring. Nick hit Butcher with a chair and followed it up with a Dropkick for a two count.
Blade got back into the ring and Clotheslined Matt onto the entrance ramp. Butcher & Blade planted Matt with a Powerbomb and Neckbreaker combo on the entrance ramp. They then set up more tables on the entrance ramp but Young Bucks battled back. Matt and Nick set Butcher and Blade up on opposite tables and climbed up the entrance tunnels. Young Bucks delivered an Elbow Drop and a Senton through the tables for the pinfall victory.
Hangman Page Declined Brodie Lee’s Offer

Hangman Adam Page battled Five (Alan Angels) from Dark Order tonight on Dynamite.
Match Recap: Hangman dominated the action early and beat Five down outside the ring. The rest of Dark Order showed up on the entrance ramp as Dynamite went to a commercial break.
When Dynamite returned, Hangman was still in control and planted Five with a Fallaway Slam. Page connected with an elbow to the face and went for the cover but Five kicked out at two. Hangman planted Five with a Powerbomb for the pinfall victory.
After the match, Hangman Page dared Dark Order to get into the ring. Brodie Lee made his way to the ring with a microphone. Brodie told Hangman that he was impressed by his rise to stardom but is not impressed by his lack of a tag partner when he is clearly in immediate danger.
Lee told Page that the Dark Order is here to offer him friendship and protection. Hangman said he appreciated it but is not ready to join a cult right now. Brodie told Hangman that he made his bed and hopes he enjoys his sleep in it.
Brodie took Colt Cabana to the back and ordered Dark Order to attack Hangman.FTR made the save and beat Dark Oder down before they retreated. Kenny Omega finally rushed the ring as Hangman thanked FTR and drank a beer. It was then announced that Hangman and Omega will defend the AEW Tag Team Championships next week against Dark Order.
Sammy Guevara Returned

Chris Jericho & Jake Hager squared off against Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus in the main event. Santana, Ortiz, and Marko Stunt were ringside for the match.
Match Recap: Jungle Boy and Jericho started the match off and Jungle Boy connected with a couple of Arm Drags. Hager and Luchasaurus tagged in and collided in the middle of the ring. Luchasaurus went for a Chokeslam but Hager countered into an Ankle Lock. Jericho tagged back in and went to work on Luchasaurus’ ankle.
Jungle Boy tagged in and hit Jericho with a Hurricanrana for a two count. Jungle Boy hit Santana & Ortiz with a Suicide Dive as Jericho punched Marko Stunt in the face. When Dynamite returned from the break, Jungle Boy hit a Crossbody off the top rope for a two count.
Hager tagged in and unloaded a right hand to Jungle Boy’s face. Jericho brought the baseball bat into the ring and referee Aubrey Edwards got in his face. The two argued before Jericho finally dropped the bat out of the ring.
Jungle Boy battled back and was finally able to tag Luchasaurus back in. Luchasaurus hit Jericho with a chop that sent him to the mat and then hit Hager with a Clothesline. Jungle Boy knocked Hager out of the ring with a Flying Forearm. Marko hit Jericho with a Dropkick and Luchasaurus followed it up with a big boot for near fall.
Luchasaurus leveled Jericho with a shoulder tackle for another two count. Jungle Boy hit Santana with a Hurricanrana that sent him onto Ortiz. A masked man (Serpentico) hit Luchasaurus with the baseball bat and Jericho capitalized with the Codebreaker.
It was revealed to be Sammy Guevara under the mask. Best Friends and Orange Cassidy rushed the ring and Inner Circle retreated. Best Friends, Orange Cassidy, and Jurassic Express will face Inner Circle next week on Dynamite.
Opinion: This week’s episode of Dynamite was a great show. The two hours flew by and it felt AEW was going all out and the card they announced for next week is stacked as well. It also great to see Sammy Guevara back on TV and reunited with Inner Circle. Before his deserved suspension, he was consistently one of the most entertaining performers in AEW.