AEW Dynamite Results (8/25): CM Punk Appears, Jericho Puts In-Ring Career On The Line

AEW Dynamite aired live from the UWM Panther Arena in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. CM Punk made his first appearance on Dynamite and Chris Jericho addressed his AEW future during the show. It was announced that Satoshi Kojima will face Jon Moxley at All Out.

Dynamite Results

  1. Orange Cassidy def. Matt Hardy
  2. Lucha Bros def. Varsity Blonds to advance to the finals fo the Tag Team Eliminator Tournament
  3. Jamie Hayter def. Red Velvet
  4. Darby Allin, Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston def. The Wingmen
  5. Gunn Club def. The Factory
  6. Malakai Black def. Brock Anderson

Here are the takeaways from this week’s show:

Orange Cassidy def. Matt Hardy

Orange Cassidy faced Matt Hardy in the first match of the night. Cassidy and Hardy traded “delete!” and lazy kicks as the crowd chanted along. Matt put his hands in his pockets but pulled out a bunch of money. Cassidy Dropkicked Matt out of the ring and put some of the money in his pocket. Cassidy went for a Suicide Dive but Matt caught him with a Side Effect outside in the ring.

Matt bounced Cassidy’s face off the ring apron several times and started biting his hand. Hardy wrapped Cassidy around the ring post and stretched him out. Back in the ring, Hardy hit a Back Drop and collected all of the money in the ring. Matt hit an Elbow Drop and went for the cover but Cassidy kicked out at two.

Hardy beat Orange down in the corner of the ring until the referee broke it up. Matt unloaded some forearms to Cassidy’s back and planted him with a Suplex for a near fall. Matt took back the money Cassidy put back in his pocket and hit a Leg Drop for a near fall.

Matt launched Cassidy into the turnbuckle and went for a Clothesline but Orange ducked. Hardy planted Cassidy with a Powerbomb for a near fall. Cassidy kept rolling away from Hardy and then sent him out of ring. Orange hit a Suicide Dive and then a Crossbody back in the ring. Orange wound up landing on Matt’s face and it looked like Hardy broke his nose as blood was pouring down his face. Cassidy followed it up with a Tornado DDT for a near fall. Cassidy planted Matt with a Twist of Fate and went for the cover but Hardy kicked out at two. Cassidy rolled up Hardy for the pinfall victory.

Jericho Put His AEW In-Ring Career On The Line To Get A Match With MJF At All Out

Chris Jericho came to the ring to address his AEW future tonight. Jericho said that this has been a big week for AEW and everybody has been celebrating but him. He noted that he lost to MJF for the third time last week and even worse, he tapped out. Jericho said he has been losing sleep about it and that he has always strived to stay on top.

Jericho shouted that he doesn’t give a shit and will keep attacking to MJF until this is over. Jericho said he has a proposal to MJF and invited him to the ring. MJF didn’t come to the ring and Jericho proposed one final fight at All Out. Jericho added that if he cannot beat MJF, maybe he does not belong in All Elite Wrestling anymore and doesn’t deserve to Le Champion. Jericho said that he will go to commentary full time on Rampage and never wrestle in AEW again.

MJF came to the entrance ramp with a shirt that said he was 3-0 against Jericho. MJF said he is not an idiot like all these people in Milwaukee and that Jericho needed to stay relevant by aligning himself with MJF. MJF joked that he tapped out Jericho faster that somebody listening to a Fozzy CD. He then accepted the match and ended the promo by telling Jericho that he is better than him and he knows it.

Lucha Bros Advanced To The Finals Of The Eliminator Tournament

Lucha Bros faced Varsity Blonds in the tag team Eliminator Tournament. AEW Tag Team Champions Young Bucks, Good Brothers, and Brandon Cutler sat on the entrance ramp and watched the match. Griff Garrison and Rey Fenix started off the match. Rey went for an Arm Drag but Griff blocked it. Griff went for a kick but Fenix got out of the way and the two circled each other.

Pentagon Jr. and Brian Pillman Jr. then tagged in. Penta caught Pillman with a Superkick but then Brian responded with one of his own. Pillman connected with a Hurricanrana as Julia Hart cheered them on from ringside. Penta battled back and lit up Pillman’s chest with a chop as Dynamite went to a commercial break.

When Dynamite returned, Fenix hit Pillman with a boot to the face and followed it up with a Dropkick off the top rope. Fenix planted Pillman with a Cutter and went for the cover but Griff broke it up at two as Jurassic Express was show in the crowd. Penta and Garrison battled on the ring apron as Pillman sent Fenix out of the ring. Pillman hit Penta with a Dropkick and knocked him to the floor.

Fenix dragged Pillman to the outside and the Lucha Bros dropped the Varsity Blonds with Superkicks in stereo. Fenix hit a crazy dive onto the Varsity Blonds and taunted the Young Bucks. Back in the ring, Griff connected with a flying forearm but got leveled with a boot to the face from Penta. Lucha Bros took out Pillman with a couple Superkicks and a Piledriver for the pinfall victory. Lucha Bros will face Jurassic Express this Friday night on Rampage in the finals of the tournament. The winners will face the Young Bucks at AEW All Out for the tag titles.

After the match, Jurassic Express and Lucha Bros shook hands. Young Bucks shoved the teams into each other but they didn’t fall for it. They took out Good Brothers and Young Bucks with some Suicide Dives and posed in the ring to end the segment.

Jamie Hayter def. Red Velvet

Jamie Hayter faced Red Velvet tonight on Dynamite. Veltet sent Hayter to the corner with a Dropkick but Jamie quickly shrugged it off. Jamie hit a Fallaway Slam and whipped her into the turnbuckle. Red Velvet sent Jamie out of the ring and hit her with a Suicide Dive. Red Velvet followed it up with another one before having a stare down with Britt Baker ringside.

Hayter capitalized on the distraction and slammed Red Velvet into the ring post. Baker attacked Red Velvet as well as Dynamite went to a commercial break. When Dynamite returned, Red Velvet connected with a Bulldog and followed it up with Double Knees to the back. Britt hopped on the ring apron but Red Velvet shoved her to the floor. Red Velvet went for a Moonsault but Jamie blocked it. Hayter followed it with a big Clothesline for the pinfall victory.

After the match, Brit Baker and Jamie Hayter attacked Red Velvet but Kris Statlander rushed the ring. Statlander made the save and went after but she retreated. Statlander raised the AEW Women’s Championship in the ring to end the segment. Baker will defend the AEW Women’s Championship against Kris Statlander on September 5th at All Out.

CM Punk Made His First Dynamite Appearance, Referenced Bryan Danielson

Tony Schiavone interviewed CM Punk tonight on Dynamite. Punk pointed at his wrist and noted that it wasn’t clobberin’ time yet. He then made his way to the ring as the crowd chanted his name. Tony asked what the one thing was that brought him back and CM Punk said he couldn’t hear him. The crowd erupted and once again broke out in a CM Punk chant.

Punk listed off several names (Lucha Bros, Jungle Boy, Pillman JR.) but Darby was first. Punk retired the nickname “Voice of the Voiceless” because this place has a voice and the people in the back are listening. Punk stated that Darby Allin would have been his favorite wrestler when he was 15 years old and doesn’t fit the mold of what somebody else thinks a pro wrestler is. Punk added that Darby is not the biggest or strongest, but god damn it he has heart.

CM Punk said that if he is going to answer the question “can you still be the best in the world?” and a “yes!” chant. Punk stated that is somebody else’s shtick and you might just have to a little more patient on that. He said this is not about proving the haters wrong it is about proving himself right. Punk said hi to wife April to end the promo.

Allin, Moxley, Kingston def. The Wingmen

Darby Allin, Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston faced The Wingmen (Cezar Bononi, Ryan Nemeth, JD Drake). Peter Avalon and Sting were ringside for the match. Darby and JD Drake started off the action. Darby hit a chop but Drake shrugged it off. Allin sent JD out of the ring and Drake retreated away from Sting.

Eddie Kingston and Ryan Nemeth then tagged. Nemeth danced around like a goof before flexing in front of Eddie. Kingston leveled Nemeth with a chop and then Cezar tagged in. They then circled each other and Kingston went for a shoulder tackle but Cezar didn’t budge.

Bononi shrugged off some chops before Moxley tagged in. Jon cleared the ring as Dynamite went to a commercial break. When Dynamite returned, Bononi went for a Suplex but Moxley escaped. JD Drake tagged in and Moxley dropped him with a punch. Kingston tagged in and planted Drake with a Uranage.

Nemeth distracted Eddie and JD capitalized with a Backbreaker. JD climbed to the top but Moxley bit his ear like a maniac. Darby hit a Code Red on Drake but got tripped up by Peter Avalon. Sting approached Peter and then Kingston & Moxley beat him down. Nemeth grabbed a steel chair and brought it into the ring. He hit the canvas a few times and got knocked out of the ring as the brawl continued. Allin hit Drake with the Coffin Drop in the ring for the pinfall victory. After the mach, Daniel Garcia attacked Darby Allin from behind and retreated.

Omega & Christian Met Face-To-Face

AEW Champion Kenny Omega came to the ring with Callis but was quickly interrupted by Impact Champion Christian Cage. Christian joked that the fans haven’t had enough booze to believe any of the BS come out of Don Callis’ mouth. Cage rolled footage from the recent Road to Dynamite episode in which Callis fired Cage in the past. Cage said that was proof right there of Don Callis being a carney piece of shit. A piece of shit chant broke out and Callis threw a tantrum.

Omega noted that that the video only proved he was a better athlete than Christian in the past and nothing has changed. Cage said that it was weird that Omega was still letting Don manipulate him as an adult. Callis got pissed and demanded that someone hold his scarf. Don said that Omega will prove that Christian Cage will always be 2nd best at All Out. Cutler sprayed Cage in the face and and Omega attacked him from behind. The Elite Hunter Frankie Kazarian rushed the ring to make the save.

Gunn Club Picked Up A Win

The Factory faced The Gunn Club tonight on Dynamite. Paul Wight joined commentary for the match and will be facing QT Marshall at All out. Billy and Nick Comoroto started off the action. Nick hit an elbow to the face but Billy sent him out of the ring. QT hit a cheap shot and taunted Paul Wight as Dynamite went to a break.

When Dynamite returned, Comoroto hit a slam and went for a Splash but missed. Aaron Solo tagged in for a moment before Colten Gunn tagged in. Coltlen hit QT with a Splash and Solo with a Dropkick. Nick hit a shoulder tackle and battled with Billy outside the ring. Back in the ring, QT hit a Backbreaker and Flatliner combo. QT got distracted with taunting Paul Wight and Colten rolled him up for the pinfall victory.

Malakai Black Dominated

Malakai Black faced Brock Anderson in the main event. Arn Anderson was ringside for the match. Brock took Malakai down and unloaded some punches. Malaki caught Brock with a knee to the face and beat him down in the corner of the ring. Black hit some kicks to the chest before the referee backed him away.

Malakai took a look at Arn and told him to throw in the towel. Arn refused and Malakai continued to taunt him. Brock capitalized with a few punches to the midsection and set up for a DDT but Malakai countered into a slam. Malakai hit Black Mass and paced around Brock as he laid on the canvas. Malakai then covered Brock for the pinfall victory.

After the match, Arn helped Brock up as Malakai grabbed a steel chair. Malakai brought the chair into the ring and Arn stood in the way. Malakai made his way towards Arn and slid the chair out of the ring. Malakai went for a kick but Arn blocked it. Black booted Arn in the groin and followed it up with Black Mass. Malakai took a seat on the top rope to admire his work. Lee Johnson slid into the ring and Malakai exited to end the show.

Posted August 25th, 2021 in Results.

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