AEW Rampage Results (5/13/22): TNT Title Match, Owen Hart Tournament, Kris Statlander, Shawn Spears

AEW Rampage was taped after Wednesday’s edition of Dynamite at the UBS Arena in Elmont, New York. Scorpio Sky defended the TNT Championship against Frankie Kazarian in the main event. Riho battled Ruby Soho in the quarterfinals of the Owen Hart Tournament.

Rampage Results

  • Death Triangle def. Butcher, Blade, Marq Quen
  • Shawn Spears def. Bear Boulder
  • Ruby Soho def. Riho to advance in the women’s Owen Hart Tournament
  • Scorpio Sky def. Frankie Kazarian to retain the TNT Championship

Here are the takeaways from this week’s Rampage:

Death Triangle Picked Up A Win

Death Triangle (PAC, Pentagon Jr, Rey Fenix) faced The Blade, The Butcher, and Marq Quen in a Trios match to begin the show. In case you were wondering, Jericho named Butcher & Blade his Sports Entertainers of the Week during the match.

Blade and Penta started off the action and Pentagon Jr. took control with a Superkick. PAC tagged in and connected with a Dropkick before Butcher fragged him to the outside. Butcher planted Pac with a Suplex and then tagged into the match.

Pac hit Butcher with a Dropkick to the knee to knock the big man down. Pac followed it up with another Dropkick but off the top turnbuckle this time. Quen tagged in and hit Pac with an Arm Drag before Fenix tagged in.

Quen connected with a Hurricanrana and went for a Powerbomb but Fenix escaped. Rey hit an Arm Drag of his own but got distracted by Butcher. Marq capitalized with a Dropkick that knocked Rey out of the ring as Rampage went to a commercial break.

When Rampage returned, Quen escaped a Headlock and connected with a 450 Splash on Fenix. Quen went back up to the top rope and hit a Crossbody onto Pac and Penta on the floor. Blade and Fenix then battled in the ring and Rey hit a Hurricanrana.

Pac connected with a German Suplex on Quen and went for the cover but Marq was able to kick out at two. Butcher and Blade tripped Pac up but got caught with a couple dives from Lucha Bros (Penta & Fenix. Lucha Bros hit Fear Factor on Marq as Pac climbed to the top turnbuckle. Pac hit the Black Arrow for the pinfall victory.

Shawn Spears def. Bear Boulder

Shawn Spears faced Bear Boulder on this week’s Rampage. It was Bear Boulder’s first singles match in AEW. Spears taunted Boulder with the “10!” pose and Bear threw Shawn across the ring. Boulder charged but Spears got out of the way and Bear crashed into the turnbuckle. Spears then raked Boulder’s eyes and planted him with the C4 for the pinfall victory.

On next week’s episode of Dynamite, MJF will give Wardlow 10 lashes. If Wardlow can deal with that, he will battle Shawn Spears in a Steel Cage (presumably on the go-home episode of Dynamite before Double or Nothing) with MJF as the special referee. If Wardlow wins the Steel Cage match, he will battle MJF at Double or Nothing with a chance to get out of his contract with Maxwell Jacob Friedman.

However, if Wardlow loses at Double or Nothing, he cannot sign a contract with AEW. Shawn Spears hyped up the cage match during his appearance on Busted Open and suggested that he’d leave AEW if the cage match is not the main event on Dynamite.

Ruby Soho Advanced In The Owen Hart Tournament, Kris Statlander Will Replace Hikaru Shida

Riho battled Ruby Soho in the quarterfinals of the women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament.

Soho controlled the action early and applied an armbar. Riho escaped and went for a Northern Lights Suplex but Soho blocked it. Soho battled back and went for No Future but Riho blocked it. Riho got Soho in a Half Crab in the middle of the ring but Ruby fought through the pain and reached the bottom rope to break the hold as Rampage went to a break.

When Rampage returned, Riho hit a Crucifix Bomb but didn’t hook the leg during the cover and Ruby kicked out. Soho then hit Bladerunner for the pinfall victory and advanced to the semifinals of the women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament.

Jade Cargill & The Baddies (Red Velvet & Kiera Hogan) were interviewed by the Tony Schiavone. They wanted to know who Red Velvet will be facing next week in the Owen Hart Tournament since Hikaru Shida is not medically cleared to compete. It was announced that Kris Statlander will replace Shida in the tournament and battle Red Velvet next week on Rampage.

Scorpio Sky Retained The TNT Championship

Scorpio Sky defended the TNT Championship against Frankie Kazarian in tonight’s main event. The two were formerly in the tag team known as SCU (the inaugural tag champs in AEW). Mark Henry interviewed the wrestlers before the match. Dan Lambert and Ethan Page interrupted and mocked Kazarian. Scorpio Sky wasn’t a fan of it and told Page & Lambert to take the rest of the night off.

The action started off back and forth. Sky took control and sent Kazarian out of the ring. The TNT Champion knocked Frankie to the outside and flipped onto him as Rampage went to the final commercial break of the show.

When Rampage returned, Kazarian hit a Leg Drop and rolled Sky up for a two count. Frankie followed it up with a big Clothesline and fired up the crown. Kazarian connected with a Body Slam for a two count and the champ responded with a Jawbreaker. Frankie slingshotted Sky into an awesome Cutter and went for the cover but Sky managed to kick out at the last moment.

The former teammates hobbled to their feet and Kazarian locked in the Chicken Wing in the middle of the ring. Sky tried to use the turnbuckle to escape but Kaz held on. Dan Lambert hopped on the ring apron for a distraction. Ethan Page hit Frankie with the TNT Championship as Jericho noted that Scorpio Sky didn’t see it. Sky then hit the TKO for the pinfall victory.

After the match, Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page started arguing but it was just a swerve. Men of the Year (Page and Sky) then beat Kazarian down until Sammy Guevara made the save to close the show.

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