AEW Revolution Results & 7 Takeaways

AEW Revolution aired live from the Wintrust Arena in Chicago. Chris Jericho defended the AEW Championship against Jon Moxley in the main event.

AEW Revolution Results:

  1. Jake Hager def. Dustin Rhodes
  2. Darby Allin def. Sammy Guevara
  3. Omega & Hangman def. the Young Bucks to retain the titles
  4. Nyla Rose def. Kris Statlander to retain the AEW Women’s Championship
  5. MJF def. Cody
  6. Pac def. Orange Cassidy
  7. Jon Moxley def. Chris Jericho to become the new AEW Champion

Here are 7 takeaways from AEW Revolution:

Jake Hager Picked Up His First Win In AEW

dustin hager revolution

Dustin Rhodes squared off against Jake Hager to start off the show. Hager kissed his wife in the front row before the match.

Match Recap: Dustin controlled the match early and beat Jake down outside the ring. Hager battled back with a Clothesline for a two count. Hager leveled Rhodes with an elbow to the face and posed in the ring as his wife cheered him on. Dustin knocked Hager to the canvas and then Rhodes kissed Hager’s wife. Jake connected with a Vader Bomb for a two count.

Dustin bounced Hager’s head off the steel steps and then unloaded some right hands in the corner. Rhodes hit a boot to the midsection and Code Red for a near fall. Dustin went for an Arm Bar but Hager countered into an Ankle Lock in the middle of the ring. Dustin broke free and Hager sent him towards referee Aubrey Edwards. Hager capitalized on the distraction and hit a low blow. Hager then put Rhodes to sleep with a Standing Arm Triangle for the victory.

A special “Blood & Guts” edition of Dynamite will air on March 25th. It will feature a War Games themed match.

Darby Allin Defeated Sammy Guevara

darby sammy revolution

Darby Allin faced Sammy Guevera tonight at Revolution.

Match Recap: Allin hit a Suicide Dive right away and then Dropkicked Sammy into the barricade. Darby hung up Sammy on the barricade and went for another Suicide Dive but his foot got caught on the ropes. Sammy grabbed the skateboard and hit Allin with it before setting up a table. Guevara then set up Darby on the table and hit an absolutely insane 630 Senton off the top rope. Allin slowly made his way into the ring and the match officially started.

Sammy hit a Running Knee to the face and went for the cover but Darby kicked out at two. Allin locked in an Arm Bar while bending Sammy’s fingers back. Guevara used his legs to reach the bottom rope to break the hold. Sammy hit a Stomp off the top rope and went for the cover but Allin kicked out at two. Sammy followed it up with a Spanish Fly for another near fall. Darby sent Sammy into an exposed turnbuckle and followed it up with a Stunner. Allin then hit the Coffin Drop for the pinfall victory. After the match, Darby tried to attack Sammy with the skateboard but Hager made the save and got him out of the ring.

Opinion: Allin and Sammy had an awesome match tonight. The Coffin Drop is easily one of my favorite finishers right now and Allin’s completely fearlessness in the ring is impressive to watch.

Omega & Hangman Retained In An Instant Classic

omega hangman revolution

Kenny Omega & Hangman Page defended their AEW Tag Team Championships against The Young Bucks tonight at Revolution.

Match Recap: Hangman Page got a tremendous reaction when he tagged in and the crowd chanted “cowboy sh*t!”. Page and Matt went back and forth for a bit and then Matt offered a handshake. Hangman responded by spitting in Matt’s face and that pissed him off. Matt tacked Hangman and hit him with a flurry of punches to the face. Matt continued to unload punches to Hangman’s face until Nick broke it up. Nick tagged in and Hangman slapped him in the face. Matt tagged back in and levled Hangman with a Dropkick. Page hit Matt with a couple shots to his lower back.

Hangman tagged in Omega by slapping his chest and started barking orders at him. Page quickly tagged back in and leveled Nick Jackson with a cheap shot that knocked him off the apron. Page was about to Powerbomb Matt through a table but Hangman stopped him. Matt Jackson hit a double Northern Lights Suplex out of nowhere and finally was able to tag Nick in. Nick hit Hangman with a Facebuster and then Moonsaulted onto Omega outside the ring.

Matt tagged in and spit in Hangman’s face on the apron. Nick tripped up Hangman on the apron and Omega couldn’t tag out. Matt planted Omega with a massive Piledriver for a two count. Page tagged in and unloaded several Clotheslines. Hangman hit a Fallaway Slam on Matt and then Clotheslines him out of the ring. Page then Moonsaulted onto the Young Bucks outside the ring.

Hangman demanded that Matt tag in and the two started trash talking as the crowd was behind Page. Hangman and Omega took turns beating Matt down before Nick tagged in. Nick hit an awesome Destroyer for a near fall. Hangman sent Nick out of the ring then booted Matt in the knee. Page locked in the Chicken Wing as Nick climbed to the top rope. Nick broke it up with a 450 Splash and Matt went for the cover but Hangman kicked out at two.

Page planted Nick with a Blockbuster Suplex and Omega followed it up with a V-Trigger but Matt broke up the cover. Omega hit Nick with a couple Snap Dragon Suplexes and then the Tiger Driver 98 for a near fall. Matt then planted Hangman with three Northern Lights Suplexes on the entrance ramp. Young Bucks followed it up with a Meltzer Driver on Hangman Page on the ramp as the crowd booed. Matt and Nick leveled Omega with several Superkicks.

Young Bucks hit the Golden Trigger and went for the cover but Kenny kicked out at one. Matt stomped on Omega’s injured shoulder several times. Young Bucks set up for the Meltzer Driver but Hangman broke it up and Powerbombed Nick through the table. Hangman and Kenny hit the Buckshot Lariat/ V-Trigger combo on Matt but he somehow kicked out at two.

Hangman tagged in and planted Matt with the One Winged Angel (Omega’s finisher) but Nick broke it up at two. Page leveled Nick with a Buckshot Lariat outside the ring and then delivered another one to Matt in the ring for the pinfall victory. After the match, it seemed like Hangman was going to level Omega with the Buckshot Lariat but he opted not to.

Opinion: This match was everything I wanted it to and more. It was thirty minutes of flawless tag team wrestling and it is going to be pretty much impossible to follow this match tonight.

Nyla Rose Retained The Women’s Championship

nyla rose kris statlander revolution

Nyla Rose defended her AEW Women’s Championship against Kris Statlander tonight at the PPV.

Match Recap: Statlander controlled the match early and connected with a Standing Moonsault for a two count. Kris went for a Spear through the ropes but Nyla avoided it and Statlander crashed on the entrance ramp.

Rose hit a Spear of her own and went for the cover but Statlander kicked out a two. Kris hit a Superkick and both women fell to the canvas. Statlander sent Nyla to the outside and hit her with a Suicide Dive. Statlander hit another one that sent Rose crashing into the barricade.

Back in the ring, Statlander hit a Dropkick and went for the cover but Rose kicked out at two. Rose hung up Statlander on the ropes but Kris broke free by doing a handstand. Statlander hit a boot to the face and followed it up with a DDT for a two count.

Nyla planted Statlander with the Beast Bomb and went for the cover but Kris kicked out at two. Rose climbed to the top rope but Kris caught her with a punch to the face. Statlander planted Rose with a Superplex and went for the cover but Rose kicked out at two. Statlander went for a Hurricanrana but Nyla caught her with a Beast Bomb of the second rope for the pinfall victory. Nyla Rose is still the AEW Women’s Champion.

Opinion: Rose and Statlander were put in an impossible position trying to follow the epic Tag Team Championship match. They did the best they could to get the crowd invested in this turned out to be a solid match. The lack of build and poor placement on the card made it pretty much impossible for the crowd to be invested in this match.

MJF Used The Dynamite Diamond Ring To Defeat Cody

MJF Cody AEW Revolution

MJF and Cody finally squared off tonight at AEW Revolution. Downstait played Cody’s entrance theme live at the PPV.

Match Recap: MJF spent the beginning of the match avoiding Cody and hopped into the crowd. MJF slapped the hat off a fan’s head before Cody caught up to him. MJF poked Cody in the eye and then stomped on Cody’s broken toe.

Brandi threw a beer and Wardlow’s face and he chased after her. Cody hit Wardlow with a Suicide Dive that sent him flying into the barricade. Back in the ring, MJF battled back and locked in the Salf of the Earth (Arm Bar) in the middle of the ring. Cody was forced to bite the rope to break the hold.

MJF ripped off Cody’s boot to expose his broken toe. MJF then savagely bit the toe as the crowd chanted “you sick f*ck!”. Cody battled back and planted MJF with a reverse Superplex. Cody hit a Disaster Kick but Wardlow hopped up on the ring apron. Arn Anderson grabbed a steel chair from under the ring and walked towards Wardlow.

Cody bounced MJF’s face off the steel steps and busted him open. MJF planted Cody with a Piledriver and went for the cover while using the ropes for leverage. The ref caught it as Brandi went for a Crossbody on Wardlow. Wardlow caught and dropped her and Cody went for a big boot. Wardlow got out of the way and Cody accidentally hit Arn Anderson with a boot to the face.

Back in the ring, MJF hit Cody with low blow and went for the cover but Cody kicked out at two. In an insane spot, Cody went for a Suplex but MJF held on and both men fell to the floor. Back in the ring, MJF whipped Cody with his own belt before the ref ripped it away. Cody hit MJF with a low blow and slammed him to the mat for a two count.

Cody whipped MJF with the belt before the referee grabbed it. Cody shouted let me have one more and referee Paul Turner let him have do it. Cody launched the belt into the crowd as MJF cowered to the corner of the ring. MJF crawled to Cody’s foot and started crying. MJF then hugged Rhodes in the ring before spitting in his face. Cody hit MJF with two Cross Rhodes and set up for a third but MJF used the Dynamite Diamond Ring and punched Cody in the face. MJF fell onto Cody for the pinfall victory.

Opinion: I don’t think this match lived up to the hype but it still was very solid and felt old school. I liked the finish and it was the right decision to have MJF get this win. MJF is going to be a huge star in AEW for years to come and a victory over Cody will only that.

Pac Defeated Orange Cassidy In A Fun Match

pac orange cassidy revolution

Pac battled Orange Cassidy tonight at Revolution.

Match Recap: Orange Cassidy threw Pac to the mat and put his hands in his pocket. Pac and Cassidy traded lazy kicks before Pac shoved him to the mat. The crowd chanted “fight forever” as Cassidy leveled Pac with a Dropkick. Cassidy rolled up Pac for a two count and Pac rolled out of the ring to regroup.

Pac planted Cassidy with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker and sent Cassidy to the outside. Pac launched Cassidy into the ring post and rolled him back into the ring. He climbed to the top rope and hit a massive Dropkick. Pac followed that up with a Powerbomb and went for the cover but Cassidy kicked out at two.

Pac perched Cassidy up on the top turnbuckle and planted him with a Brainbuster. Pac went for the cover but pulled Cassidy up at two. Pac went back up to the top rope but Cassidy rolled out of the ring as the crowd jokingly chanted “holy sh*t!”. Pac rolled Cassidy back in the ring but Cassidy rolled to the outside to a thunderous reaction from the crowd. Cassidy then smired at Pac and hit him with a Suicide Dive and then a DDT for a two count as the crowd was going insane.

Orange Cassidy hit a Superman Punch and then a Stunner. Cassidy climbing to the top rope but Pac tripped him up with a Dropkick. Cassidy hit Pac with a DDT and followed it up with a diving DDT but Pac rolled out of the ring. Trent threw Pac into the ring and Cassidy connected with an Air Raid Crash for a two count. Lucha Bros then rushed the ring and brawled with Best Friends. Pac then locked in the Brutalizer and Cassidy tapped out.

Opinion: This match was fun as hell and the crowd added so much to it. There are plenty of people that cannot stand Orange Cassidy’s shtick but I find it hilarious.

Jon Moxley Captured The AEW Championship

moxley jericho aew revolution

Chris Jericho defended the AEW Championship against Jon Moxley in the main event of AEW Revolution. Santana and Ortiz accompanied Jericho to the ring as a choir sang Judas (Jericho’s theme) on the entrance ramp. Aubrey was the referee for the match.

Match Recap: Moxley went right after Jericho to start things off and sent him over the barricade and into the crowd. Jericho and Moxley battled through the crowd as Aubrey elected not to end the match in a DQ. Jericho grabbed a camera and filmed himself giving the middle finger to Moxley.

Jon responded by biting Jericho’s face where the stitches were from the headbutt on Wednesday night. Jericho slammed Moxley’s face into the ring post as Santana and Ortiz cackled in his face. Moxley was busted open and Jericho capitalized with a few punches to the face. Jericho Powerbombed Moxley onto the timekeeper’s table and posed in the ring.

Moxley got back into the ring and Jericho beat him down while shouting that Jon was a piece of sh*t. Jericho rang the bell and declared himself the winner before returning to the ring to stomp on Moxley in the corner. Jericho distracted the referee as Santana and Ortiz beat Moxley down outside the ring. Jericho then launched Moxley into the steel steps.

Back in the ring, Jericho perched Moxley up on the top rope. Jon battled back and sent Jericho to the canvas. Moxley followed that up with a Clothesline off the second rope and both men fell to the canvas. Jericho went for the Liontamer but Moxley quickly countered into a Heel Hook. Jericho grabbed the ropes to break the hold and turned around into a Running Knee to the face from Jon for a two count.

Ortiz hit Moxley with the madball and Jericho followed it up with the Lionsault for a two count. Jericho went for the Liontamer again but Moxley countered into a Liontamer of his own. Jake Hager rushed the ring and Moxley broke the hold to punch him in the face. Jericho planted Moxley with a Codebreaker and went for the cover but Jon kicked out at two.

Jericho then locked in the Liontamer in the middle of the ring but Moxley battled through the pain and reached the ropes to break the hold. Jericho shoved Aubrey Edwards in an effort to get disqualified but she let it go. Moxley hit a Back Drop and followed it up with a massive Clothesline. Jake Hager leveled Moxley with a right hand but Aubrey saw it and kicked Inner Circle out from ringside. Sammy Guevara hit Moxley with the AEW Championship while the referee wasn’t looking but Moxley survived.

Moxley and Jericho then traded shots in the middle of the ring. Jericho raked Moxley’s eyes and followed it up with a boot to the face. Jericho pulled down his knee pad and hit a Knee Drop to Moxley’s face off the second turnbuckle. Jericho went for the Judas Effect but Moxley dodged it and hit the Paradigm Shift. Jon took off the eye patch to reveal that his eye was fine. Moxley hit another massive Paradigm Shift for the pinfall victory. Jon Moxley is the new AEW Champion.

After the match, Jon Moxley grabbed a microphone and said he loved this sh*t. Jon added that it has been a hell of a year and said that the wrestling fans have been driving AEW forward. Moxley added that the crowd is the energy that drives AEW forward and they are bring pro wrestling back to the people. Jon said that the title belongs to everyone in Chicago and all the AEW fans around the world. Moxley thanked the fans that have stuck with him through the all the ups and downs. Moxley’s music played and Jon told them to shut it off. Jon said that he fight anyone at any time but right now it is time to knock back some whiskey.

Opinion: Jericho and Moxley had a very good match tonight and it is great to see Jon rewarded with the AEW Championship. I enjoyed the storyline of Moxley getting one over on Jericho by pretending his eye was still injured. Omega, Page, and the Young Bucks completely stole the show but the rest of the card was great as well. Overall, AEW Revolution was a great PPV and I’m already looking forward to Dynamite this Wednesday night.
Posted February 29th, 2020 in AEW. Tagged: .

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