Chris Jericho Takes a Swing at Barricade Jumping AEW Fan

AEW was back on the road this week for the first time since before the pandemic. It has been 15 months since AEW left Daily’s Place. It’s understandable that those in attendance were excited. However, for one fan, a rush of blood got the better of him. Jumping the railings, he tried to get into the ring along with Chris Jericho.

Jericho was making his way to the ring for a segment with his long-time rival MJF when the fan tried to get involved. Chris Jericho swiftly called for security, but still took a swing at the many as he tried to get through the ropes.

Both AEW commentator Jim Ross and wrestler MJF weighed in on the event. With the latter working the moment into his character shouting “I welcome any other one of you fat, white trash hicks to jump in the ring too, so I can beat your ass.”

 While Jim Ross stated, “Well, we don’t condone that kind of behaviour, quite frankly.”

Chris Jericho Soon Got Back to Business

AEW Security swiftly got things under control, and Chris Jericho and MJF got straight back down to the matter at hand. The Labours of Jericho.

“This ain’t about them, Chris, it’s about us.” MJF declared before detailing his stipulations for Jericho earning a title shot against him. “You’re gonna have five labours, Chris. The first four will be opponents of my choosing, all with different stipulations, and you have to win back-to-back matches. And if you manage to get through the first four, which you won’t, you get that MJF rub one more time.”

The long-running feud between The Pinnacle and the Inner Circle has been entertaining. From singles competition to full faction matches such as Blood and Guts and the Stadium Stampede. Both Jericho and MJF are fantastic on the mic and have led both sides by example.

Chris Jericho is currently 0-2 against MJF, but every AEW fan will be behind him as he embarks on his own hero’s journey, chasing the ultimate goal, victory over Maxwell Jacob Friedman.

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Sunday, March 9 at 8:00pm