D-Generation X To Be Inducted Into WWE Hall of Fame, Chyna Included

Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chyna, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and X-Pac will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year. All 6 will be inducted as members of the legendary DX faction. Two versions will be celebrated, the original and the “DX Army” version.

ESPN broke the story earlier today.

“I think it’s the most meaningful for us all to go in together and to be recognized together,” Tripe H told ESPN. “Because I think both groups were [just] as impactful.”

Triple H would continue to tell ESPN about how the faction formed.

“It’s a funny thing, because DX was something that, before Kevin [Nash] and Scott [Hall] left, at the time we all talked about using ‘The Kliq’ as it was — kind of morphing that into television, since it was so out there anyways,” said Levesque. “But things worked out the way they did — they left, and the timing was right.”

He mentioned Chyna’s involvement in the faction to ESPN as well.

“Shawn and I still wanted to do it. Vince saw the value in it, I guess, and finally let us go at it,” Levesque continued. “By that point in time I was looking for a heater, and we had brought Chyna.”

Triple H Says Chyna Deserves To Be In The WWE Hall of Fame

Triple H also stated his belief Chyna deserves to be in the Hall of Fame and addressed previous statements he made on the matter.

“Look, people believe what they want to believe. When I said a few years ago on the Austin podcast, or show, or whatever you want to call it, there’s complexities around it,” said Triple H. “But absolutely, definitely deserves to be in there. It’d be tough to pick a female that was more impactful on the business. She did something that was completely so out of left field that it wasn’t even being considered when we first brought it up for her to come in. It wasn’t even a consideration… it wasn’t an easy thing, and against all odds she did all of that.”

He even continued to say Chyna likely should go into the Hall of Fame as an individual as well.

“From that standpoint, absolutely 100 percent deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, and should probably be more than once — as a group, but individually as well,” Levesque continued. “There’s more complexity to that than meets the eye, but here we are. I’m just happy that it’s here. I’m happy for her family, the people that she was close to, that hopefully this is super meaningful to them. I know it would be to her. It’s a great thing — very deserving.”

You can read the full interview with Triple H here.

Posted February 18th, 2019 in News, WWE. Tagged: , , , , , .

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