Daniel Bryan Reveals His Reports Were Misunderstood, Says “There’s No Reason Why” He Wouldn’t Return To Wrestling

In the past couple of months, the rumours of Daniel Bryan possibly returning to ring have really picked up. First Bryan himself said that he is ‘working on’ his in ring return, and then his wife Brie Bella claimed to be sure about him wrestling again.

However, none of these statements actually explained anything about Bryan’s medical conditions, which left fans confused and nobody actually knew where do we stand on the road of Daniel Bryan’s in-ring return.

Thankfully during his recent appearance on E&C Pod of Awesomeness, the SmackDown GM himself, opened up about his medical status and also possibly confirmed his in-ring return.

It has been previously said that Bryan was cleared by some medical personals for return, and he started by revealing that he was originally cleared by the doctors and team of concussion assigned by WWE.

Though WWE Officials didn’t let him wrestle even after that and then he began a non-FDA approved experimental testing at Evoke Neuroscience in New York City which revealed the bad news for him.

According to them, the Former ROH Star had a lesion in the back of his brain, which Daniel thought was a cut in his brain so he reached to the conclusion that his career was over. A week after this revelation Mr McMahon asked him to give his retirement speech and he did it.

Although a few days after giving the retirement speech the former World Champion spoke to one of the doctors who had originally cleared him, who revealed that the whole lesion thing was misunderstood:

“I told him what happened and I said, ‘They found a lesion in the temporal-parietal region of my brain.’ He goes, ‘Wait, hold up, a lesion?’ I said, ‘Yeah.’ And I don’t know what lesion means to you guys, a lesion to me means you have a cut. I have a cut on my brain. He goes, ‘No. Lesion, in medical terminology, is a very vague thing. It just means something is there. We don’t know what it is, so we call it a lesion in the temporal-parietal region of your brain.’”

After this conversation, Bryan apparently learned more about his condition, and it turned out that his lesion actually meant that his reflexes on that part of the brain were slower than the athletes which were usually tested by the doctors.

Although when he learned about this, he neither blamed the doctors nor did he think of his return as he was trying to have a baby with his wife Brie Bella.

The SmackDown Official decided to work on his return when he had to stay at ringside for a Dean Ambrose- AJ Styles match, which according to Bryan “tore his heart apart”

Then he began his rehab at Joe Namath Neurological Research Centre in Florida to improve his brain condition. He had some tests done which showed that his head was banged up but was not at a high risk of brain damage.

Once he started receiving Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Treatments (HBOT) his brain started getting healthier and according to his current doctor, after 80 more sessions of his treatment, it will become perfectly healthy:

“Dr. (Barry) Miskin thinks within 120 total treatments, so 80 treatments more, that my brain could get back to where if you looked at it from any other spectrum, you would think that I’d have never done any contact sports in my entire life.”

Finally, Daniel Bryan commented on wrestling again saying that “there’s no reason why I can’t return to doing what I love”  and explained that he would like to work a light schedule, wrestling about 50-100 matches every year when he returns.

Overall while this whole incident was very unfortunate, it’s good that things are now sorted out and unless they learn anything new about Bryan’s condition, it’s pretty much confirmed that Daniel Bryan will make his in ring return somewhere down the line.

Thanks to Pro Wrestling Sheet for the quotes.

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