On late Monday morning some new light was shed on the real-life altercation between Chris Jericho and Sin Cara during WWE’s European tour. According to Dave Meltzer of F4WOnline.com, Sin Cara was to blame for starting the incident and was kicked off WWE’s tour bus for his actions.
Meltzer reports that the fight between Jericho and Cara occurred on the tour bus while the RAW crew was traveling from Leeds to Glasgow. Cara was allegedly being loud and annoying the other WWE workers on the bus, which prompted several people to tell him to stop. When he didn’t stop, Jericho apparently told Cara to stop in a more aggressive manner than before. In response, Cara told Jericho to “f*** off,” and more heated words were exchanged between the two. Cara reportedly threw a right hand at Jericho before others jumped up and pulled them apart. During the scuffle, Jericho reportedly grabbed Cara’s hand and began biting one of his fingers.
One witness says it appeared that Cara snapped without warning or good reason, and he was kicked off the WWE tour bus as a result. Before Cara was kicked off the bus, Jericho was apparently yelling at him that he won’t be working for WWE much longer because of his actions.