Drew McIntyre has taken to social media to release a statement regarding what happened in the closing moments of last Tuesday’s Smackdown. Roman Reigns had been scheduled to make a challenge for a match at SummerSlam in the closing segment but a bunch of steal beams ended up falling in his direction, almost crushing the multi-time world champion underneath.
WWE would later issue a statement that the incident was due to “forklift driver error.” This explanation hasn’t satisfied some who feel that there might actually be a WWE Superstar behind what happened, however.
Drew’s statement can be viewed below:
Drew McIntyre Statement On Roman Reigns Incident
“Even though they couldn’t get the job done, this whole Roman Reigns situation has become something of a ‘Who done it?'” said McIntyre. “Was it Drew McIntyre? Was it Elias? Could it be Ric Flair? Maybe it was Ryan Shamrock? My god, it could be Eric Bischoff’s new assistant, you know? The one with the peg leg? Does this all sound ridiculous to you?”
McIntyre then continued to say that WWE contacted him and asked him to make a video professing his innocence.
“I’m going to put this to bed right now,” McIntyre continued before giving 5 reasons as to why he is not the person who attacked Roman:
“1. I don’t give a damn.
2. I wouldn’t have missed.
3. I really don’t give a damn.
4. Has anyone watched the product the past, I don’t know, 5,6,7 months? I love beating up Roman Reigns and bragging about it, and I would do it to his face.
5. Do you see those damns floating around that I give? No you don’t, because there aint any.”