Eric Bischoff Delivers TED Talk About Politics & Wrestling

Former WCW President Eric Bischoff took part in his first-ever TED Talk over the weekend at the TEDxNaperville event outside Chicago, Illinois.

TED is a nonprofit that holds and organizes events that feature lectures from notable thought leaders, and accomplished professionals in a wide variety of industries and walks of life. A statement on TED’s website states that “Our agenda is to make great ideas accessible and spark conversation.”

Bischoff’s spoke about his TED Talk on this week’s episode of his 83 Weeks podcast.

“I had a great TED Talk… It was a really fun experience,” Bischoff said. “I talked about politics and wrestling, and how much politics and current media is becoming more and more like professional wrestling,” Bischoff said.

Bischoff, an ardent political conservative, did not inject his personal views into his talk. “I didn’t take sides. It was a very bipartisan approach to the topic, so no one would be able to tell which side of the equation I fall on,” he said.

“I am going to post this TED Talk up on Patreon at some point,” Bichoff added. The 83 Weeks Patreon page can be found here.

Listen to this week’s episode of 83 Weeks covering Eric Bischoff’s 2002 WWE Debut:

Posted November 13th, 2018 in News. Tagged: , .

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