Eva Marie is set to host a new show on women’s wrestling for “Now This.” The show is titled “Faces and Heels” and will follow the lives of 7 female wrestlers. The show premieres on July 30th, 2020.
The below trailer for the show features women’s wrestlers such as Kiera Hogan, Jordynne Grace, and more.
“I’m so pumped to announce that I’m the host of a new show about women wrestlers on @nowthisnews. Faces and Heels follows 7 amazing women who are kicking ass in the real world of wrestling. Let’s just say I can relate to these women in more ways than 1,” Eva Marie Tweeted.
Eva Marie is asking fans to keep an eye out for the first episode on her Facebook page.
“Check out the trailer and keep an eye out for the first episode on Thursday 7/30 on my Facebook page,” she posted on Instagram.
Eva Marie Post-WWE
The 35-year-old Eva Marie was with WWE from 2013 until 2017. Since leaving the company she has appeared on the television shows Celebrity Big Brother, Celebrity Showdown, and performed as Jade on the show Paradise City.
Eva also plays the role of Sasha in the movie Hard Kill that is currently in post-production.