Home News Fandango Out For Surgery

Fandango Out For Surgery

Fandango Out For Surgery
(via WWE)

The number of injured wrestlers continue to rise.

Fandango Out For Some Time

The WWE has reported that Fandango will be out for some time as he needs surgery to repair his left labrum. Fandango has even gone to twitter to confirm the news.

Another Shelved Wrestler

Fandango is on a list of shelved wrestlers in the WWE. He and Tyler Breeze were part of the recent Superstar Shake and went to Raw. The Fashion Police hold a win over The Bar but have jobbed out a couple of times to the Raw tag team division.

Since their time on Raw, the Fashion Police haven’t been used as much as their tenure on Smackdown. Making many wonder why the move to the red brand was made to begin with.

Until his surgery on this upcoming Tuesday (7/9/2018), it will be unknown how long Fandango will be out.