Impact Wrestling refers to its women’s division and championship with the term “Knockouts.” Some fans have expressed the belief that this is an outdated term akin to how “Diva” was used in WWE. According to Gail Kim, however, conversations have taken place backstage about the term and the Impact roster is in favor of continuing to use it.
“Knockouts is the perfect name for the women past and present of Impact(TNA) Strong, powerful, tough and kick ass. All different and beautiful in their own way. I will always be proud to be the Original knockout,” Tweeted Traci Brooks.
The conversation got started when Courtney Rush (aka Rosemary) responded to a fan on Twitter.
Chelsea Green, who performed under her Hot Mess character in Impact, agreed with Rosemary:
Allie, who left Impact after her character was killed off in the undead realm, echoed the sentiment.
The Knockouts Champion also commented:
Madison Rayne noted that the term represents a positive history in women’s wrestling:
Deonna Purrazzo is the current Knockouts Champion. She defeated Jordynne Grace for the title at Slammiversary. Purrazzo is the 24th wrestler to win the championship and begins the 55th reign in the title’s lineage. Gail Kim has won the title 7x and held it for a combined 711 days, the most in both categories.