Home News Great Khali Talks About Randy Orton Giving Him Pain Pills So Strong His Legs Went Numb

Great Khali Talks About Randy Orton Giving Him Pain Pills So Strong His Legs Went Numb


Former WWE Superstar The Great Khali was recently profiled by the Indian Express newspaper in a piece looking at this wrestling school, Continental Wrestling Entertainment (CWE) academy. Khali spoke about his WWE run, operating his school at a financial loss and more.

One of the more interesting items from the interview was that Khali discussed Randy Orton providing him strong pain pills early in his WWE career to help with his knee pain. Khali noted that the pills were so strong, he couldn’t feel his legs and fell down as a result. #Wellness

Here are the highlights of what he said about:

Working with John Cena and Vince McMahon’s reaction: “A good match is about the chemistry between opponents. I loved working with Cena. He was always receptive to my ideas, even if they weren’t good. Because he was ready to try things, we delivered a great match. When we got backstage, McMahon hugged me and said I had put on a great show.”

His Wrestling School: “I still want to keep some connection with this industry. This was something I was born to do. I was always meant to be Khali. I dream of wrestling all the time. And then I get up and I realise that I am not wrestling anymore. But I still keep my pants with me — both in India and in Houston. You never know.”

Randy Orton giving him strong pain pills early in his WWE career: “The pills were so strong that I couldn’t feel my legs. My foot kept slipping and I fell.”

Khali started with WWE back in 2006, so the incident he’s referencing likely took place around 2006-2007. Orton has been suspended from WWE 4 times over the years for violating WWE’s Wellness policy (2005, 2006, 2007, 2012)