Impact Wrestling aired the go-home show before the 2-episode Rebellion show set to begin airing next week. Josh Matthews and Madison Rayne were on commentary and continued to be completely unaware that they are married to one another.
Impact Wrestling 4/14/20 Quick Results:
- Johnny Swinger defeated Mike Jackson
- Fallah Bahh & TJP defeat The Rascalz (Dez & Wentz) and Reno SCUM (Adam Thornstowe & Luster The Legend) and XXXL(Acey Romero & Larry D)
- Hernandez defeated Rohit Raju
- Ace Austin defeated Trey
- Tenille Dashwood defeated Taya Valkyrie
Sami Callihan Continues ICU Mind Games With Ken Shamrock
Sami Callihan and Ken Shamrock engaged in a contract-signing segment this week to close out the show. Callihan spent the opening moments of the segment antagonizing the legend but when Shamrock went to attack, the lights went out. When they came back on Callihan was gone but mystery people with signs over their faces were all around ringside. Shamrock went to the back to look for Callihan and chased after one of the mystery ICU people. Shamrock hopped in a car and hoped to follow the mystery person but received a call on his cell from Sami who told him to tip his driver. Then a bunch of the ICU-sign-faced people began trying to tip over the car he was in to end the segment.
It’s not clear what Callihan has instore for Shamrock next week but one can only assume he’ll continue the mind games. Their match will headline next week’s show.
Taya Valkyrie Assaults Tenille Dashwood, Jordynne Grace Makes The Save
Taya Valkyrie has a Full Metal Mayhem Knockouts title match upcoming against Jordynne Grace at Rebellion. She dropped a match this week to Tenille Dashwood, however. Taya was upset after hitting Road To Valhalla and Dashwood getting her hand on the rope to break the pin. Dashwood then rolled up the former champion and scored the upset win.
Valkyrie lost it after the match and assaulted Dashwood with a series of weapons. Even John E Bravo implored her to stop. Finally, Jordynne Grace came out to make the save with a kendo stick. All the weapons used will be legal when these two face off for the belt at Rebellion.
Kylie Rae Isn’t Always Happy
“Smiley” Kylie Rae was the guest this week on Madison Rayne’s “Locker Room Talk” (along with Johnny Swinger). Rayne tried to get Kylie to say something negative about Hogan but it wasn’t happening. Hogan then interrupted and told Kylie she is going to show her that there are no friends in the Knockouts division. This caused Kylie to stop smiling, get angry, and tell Kiera that she doesn’t think she’s very nice. This should add a new element to the Kylie Rae vs Kiera Hogan showdown scheduled for Rebellion.
Ace Austin Picks Up Win Over Old Rival
Trey from the Rascalz confronted Ace Austin backstage this week. Trey said that Austin is trying to do the same thing to Willie Mack that he did to him and his mother, leading to a brawl between the two and this match here. Austin picked up the win, albeit with a handful of trunks.
After the match, an interview with Willie Mack was shown. Mack told Austin he’s going to have his own magic trick prepared for him at Rebellion, he’s going to make Austin’s title belt disappear.
Rob Van Dam & Katie Forbes Happy To Practice “Social Distancing” From The Deaners & Fans
Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes were shown in a hot tub this week. Their segment aired just after a vignette for Cancel Culture that Joseph Ryan insisted be played. RVD and Forbes said they are happy to practice social distancing from the Deaners and their toxic masculinity. RVD and Forbes then made out to end the segment.
Johnny Swinger Defeats “Young Buck” M. Jackson
Johnny Swinger promised last week that he would face a “Young Buck” named M. Jackson this week. The wrestler was not Matt Jackson from the Young Bucks, however, but rather 70-year-old Mike Jackson. Jackson provided a surprisingly large challenge to Swinger, who had to resort to underhanded tactics to pull out the win. Swinger put Jackson in a pinning combination and used the ropes for leverage to get the 3-count.
TJP & Fallah Bah Headed For Another Shot At Tag Gold\
The North defeated TJP and Fallah Bah in a tag title match back in February but it looks like these two teams will meet once again. On this week’s episode, TJP and Fallah Bah won a fatal 4-way tag match. They defeated Reno Scum, the Rascalz, and Team XXL this week. After the match, the North hit the ring and engaged in a staredown with TJP and Fallah Bah to close the segment.
Hernandez Returns, Picks Up Win Over Rohit Raju
Super Mex has returned to Impact Wrestling. He returned at the TNA One-Night-Only event recently and took on Rohit Raju this week. He defeated Raju with the Border Toss.
Rebellion Lineup For Nights 1 and 2
Rebellion will be a 2-show episode beginning next week. Here is the lineup for the shows:
Rebellion Night 1:
- X-Division Championship
Ace Austin (c) vs Willie Mack - Kylie Rae vs Kiera Hogan
- Tommy Dreamer, Rhino & TBD vs OVE (Madman Fulton, Dave & Jake Crist)
- Ken Shamrock vs Sami Callihan
Rebellion Night 2:
- Suicide vs Chris Bey vs Trey vs Rohit Raju
- More matches TBD