Jake Roberts Provides Health Update
Jake “the Snake” Roberts says he no longer requires the use of an oxygen tank. Roberts gave a health update recently on his podcast along with Diamond Dallas Page.
“Genetics being what they are, my mother had two lung diseases that she passed on to me. There’s no cure for either one of them,” Roberts said.
“The last thing I should ever do is smoke a cigarette, and yet I’ve been smoking since I was 17, to the point that I have COPD and a little emphysema tossed in,” he continued.
Roberts noted that his conditions left him vulnerable to COVID-19. He got full vaccinated as quickly as he could, however. Roberts also recently recovered after having contracted the virus.
“Today, I feel great. I don’t have to use any oxygen at all. I do have to use it on the airplanes when they pressurize and go up high, but it’s something that can be dealt with. I can still live a great life.”
Roberts has been back to accompanying Lance Archer to the ring for his matches. He continued to say that while he’ll never be able to run a marathon (and never was able to in the first place), he’s still got everything he needs to have a great life.
H/T To Wrestling Inc. for the above transcriptions.