Jake Roberts Shares Reason He’s In Quarantine After Working AEW Dynamite

WWE Hall of Famer Jake Roberts is currently quarantined alone in a hotel room. 

The legendary pro wrestler confirmed the news while doing an interview with The WrestlingInc Daily’s Nick Hausman. This is where he stated that he thinks everyone needs to stay home amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

Other sports leagues have shut down but wrestling promotions such as AEW and WWE continue to run shows by holding TV tapings. 

Roberts stated that we all have to buckle down. As much as he hates the idea, he thinks it’s the smart thing to do. He stated that everyone needs to pull together until the virus is gone. It upsets him to see people not follow the recommendations. 

“It shows you how selfish some people can be,” Roberts said. 

Roberts stated that people who don’t go along with the recommendations cause this thing to last longer than it should. He thinks people like that should be arrested and put in jail.

Roberts revealed that he’s currently quarantined in an Atlanta hotel room. This will last a few weeks. He recently made an appearance on AEW Dynamite that had a makeshift crowd of talent.

The reason for him being in quartine is due to him living with Diamond Dallas Page. Before he left to go to the AEW Dynamite TV tapings, DDP told him if Roberts left then he can’t come back. 

“Well, AEW wanted me to come out, so … what did I do? I went and did it but then I couldn’t go back to Dallas’ house,” stated Roberts. 

There is a baby at DDP’s house and nobody wants to get sick especially around a baby, according to Roberts. Thus, DDP took the hard-line. Roberts added that he had to do it for AEW because he wants to help the promotion by being on TV to manage Lance Archer. 

However, now admittedly, he’s paying for it. AEW has reportedly filmed content to last the next few weeks. 

Posted April 8th, 2020 in AEW, News. Tagged: .

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