JBL Shares A Backstage Fight Story Between Eddie Guerrero & Kurt Angle
John Bradshaw Layfield (JBL) took some time during his self-isolation to share a story with fans about a backstage fight between Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle. According to JBL, both Superstars came backstage angry, leading to Guerrero attempting to take Angle down.
“Well, apparently, something happened in that match,” JBL began. “[…] As they come back, Eddie and Kurt get into a physical fight. Eddie leg dives an Olympic gold medalist. Now, Kurt Angle was not good in high school, he was not really good in college, he was the best in the world. Out of 8.5 billion people, he was the gold medalist. You might have a chance punching Kurt; hit him with something. Don’t leg dive an Olympic gold medalist.”
JBL recalled how John Laurinaitis separated Guerrero and Angle, shutting JBL in alone with a seething Guerrero. “Eddie comes back, doesn’t even look at me, sits right beside me, and he’s staring at the door, and he’s breathing so loud you can hear him breathe. And I looked at him, and he’s still looking at the door, and I said, ‘Eddie why would you leg dive a gold medalist?’ Eddie says, ‘Cause I’m stupid!'”
A fan then asked how JBL could know that Guerrero attempted to “leg dive” on Angle if he was alone in the locker room. JBL explained how he heard all the yelling as they fought. He added, “it was easy to figure out what happened.” He also noted that other wrestlers who had witnessed the exchange were explaining it to each other as they entered the dressing room.
JBL is set to join the WWE Hall of Fame as a member of the 2020 Class.
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