WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety over at JRsBarBQ.com. In this update, JR talks about visiting WWE’s developmental territory over the weekend and scouting for new talent. He wrote:
“Enjoyed being around the 63 wrestlers who are trying out in Tampa this weekend and that ends Monday. Had an especially good time w/ Dusty Rhodes and the entire FCW crew who all do a great job teaching the fundamentals of the wrestling biz.
It’s hard for me to say how many prospects to be offered contracts but my best guess is that it will be in single digits likely between 2-5.
Really had a good time talking to many of the prospects Saturday and Sunday. I enjoy mentoring and helping these young people achieve their goals.
Mathematically, it’s tougher to earn a spot on a WWE roster than it is to make a 53 man NFL roster.
Goldust spoke to the group on Sunday and did anazingly well addressing the group and answering their questions. I heard R Truth also did a nice job addressing the group Friday. John Cena will neet w/ them on Monday morning.
As I understand it, WWE officials will award contracts to the most deserving candidates Monday afternoon. I wish them all good luck and hope that those who don’t leave w/ a deal stay positive and continue to chase an elusive dream.”