As expected, John Cena will wrestle Austin Theory at WWE WrestleMania 39.
The match was made official during Monday Night Raw this week when Cena made his return where he was about to do a promo, but Austin Theory came out before Cena could say a word.
Theory said that he has all the respect in the world for Cena and he became a WWE star because of Cena and watching him as a kid. He said he has a gift for Cena and that’s for them to have a match for the US Title at WrestleMania 39.
Cena told him no because he was not interested in his gift because Theory hasn’t earned it to give it. He said that he doesn’t care what Theory says and just like the fans, he doesn’t either because they don’t believe Theory because Theory doesn’t believe him. He called him generic and has no heart. He said that Theory was the version of him that almost got fired as ruthless aggression. He said that Theory has been given chances and has shown nothing for it. Cena said that the fans believe in him and don’t believe in Theory. He said that Theory is a pair of trunks from being jabroni, but Theory has the best name in WWE history because that’s exactly what Theory is, a theory. In theory, Austin should be great, but he’s not. Cena told him to shut up and leave.
Theory refused and said he’s not going anywhere just like Cena’s bald spot. Cena said he’s proud of it. He questioned Cena’s giving up, and not respecting the chance to go to WrestleMania. Theory said that you shouldn’t meet your hero because if you do, they’ll disappoint. Cena said he would rather be bald than have WWE pipe-in crowd noise during his matches.
He said no because Theory isn’t ready for a match and he wins then Theory loses everything because he was done. He said if Theory wins then he would lose everything and go out the next night to explain by himself to the most critical fans alive. He said Theory is full of crap. He asked the fans what they should do and the fans cheered. Cena accepted the match and said Theory made the biggest mistake of his life.