Kenny Omega Wants AEW’s Video Game To Be Simplified & Fast-Paced

Kenny Omega

Kenny Omega has provided new information about the upcoming AEW video game. The AEW Executive VP is involved in the game’s development, as is AEW referee Aubrey Edwards.

During a recent interview with, Omega provided some insight about what he is hoping to achieve with the project. His main priority is capturing the ‘fun factor’ that longtime fans remember from games like WWF WrestleFest, WWF No Mercy, WrestleMania 2000 and the Virtual Pro Wrestling series.

“For me, I believe there needs to be a sense of being in the ring, that you’re controlling your favorite wrestler or controlling your create-a-character,” he said. WWE’s 2K series has utilized a slower-paced ‘simulation’ style of presentation. Omega is looking to achieve an arcade wrestling feel that is easy to pick up and play whether you’re a first-time player or a veteran.

I want a very simplified system that allows for pick up and playability. However, I want the moves and the structure of the game to be so crisp and the potential for it to be deep, to the point where you can have a match that actually resembles something of a pro wrestling match where the moves look the way they should, the characters move the way they should.”

He continued, “At the end of the day, a game needs to be fun. I want a game where I can take my favorite character and do all of his moves and decimate my opponents. But I want to be able to call over a friend that never games and with a very simple explanation, I want him to be able to pick up a controller and be able to feel like he’s in control of his movements and his destiny as well.”

Omega says the game is still in a “very preliminary phase,” which is what we’ve heard from Cody Rhodes, Aubrey Edwards and others who have commented on the AEW video game. That said, Omega teased, “We’re working at such an incredible pace right now. I think maybe we’ll have something to show sooner than what people would expect.”

AEW has stated their intention to document the development in the game in a manner similar to the “Road To…” videos that hype their big live wrestling events.

Head over to to read the full interview.