Live Report From NXT: Fans Hijack Tapings With CM Punk Chants, Signs Confiscated reader Jed Ebersole was at Thursday night’s WWE NXT tapings from Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. The show went off the rails almost immediately, with the crowd chanting for CM Punk and security confiscating signs from fans. Here’s his report:

“The show started fine [before the tapings began] , then about 2 matches in security confiscated a sign about ratings dropping. The crowd was wondering what was going on. So I got pissed and stood up with my “I’m a CM Punk Guy” sign and started a CM punk chant towards the staff.

The crowd went nuts and then they came and told me to hand over the sign or be ejected. I let them take it. We proceeded to then try to hijack every match with CM Punk chants. In the beginning a lady from management told me to stop and pulled me out of the arena. I went with her and went toe to toe about us fans being able to chant what ever we want. I asked to speak with someone higher and she wouldn’t let me. She told me again to stop and return to my seat. I told her that won’t happen and went back to my seat.

From there word spread that they were trying to get us out, but about 30 or more of us just kept going. We did our best to hijack everything. We are fed up and now we are the voice of the voiceless!”


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