.@EthanCarterTNA cost me the @WrestleCade Title & 38 stitches.
I will end you, EC3. pic.twitter.com/OQI9RrVoyk— MATT HARDY (@MATTHARDYBRAND) November 29, 2015
As noted earlier, Matt Hardy was busted open the hard way on Saturday night during his match against Jeff Jarrett at WrestleCade IV. Jarrett captured the WrestleCade championship after cracking Matt Hardy over the heat with a guitar – which didn’t break upon impact. Hardy received 38 stitches in his head and was hospitalized due to the injury.
Thanks for all your concern, SMF. Staying overnight at the hospital for observation. Gotta take care of my brain. pic.twitter.com/LJuvGWVziu
— MATT HARDY (@MATTHARDYBRAND) November 29, 2015
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