Home News Matt Hardy Threatens To DELETE Vince McMahon (Video)

Matt Hardy Threatens To DELETE Vince McMahon (Video)

Matt Hardy Threatens To DELETE Vince McMahon (Video)

TMZ has published a new video of Matt Hardy, who rarely (if ever) appears out of character these days. Broken Matt addressed his signing with the “Honourable Ring” (ROH) and how he feels about his former employer, Vince McMahon.

Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero to WWE

Hardy claims that he asked ROH for double what the Young Bucks were making (probably not true) and has been in contact with every promoter from every major promotion in the world. The length of Matt and Jeff’s ROH contracts is unknown at this time and it’sstill possible to see them in WWE in the not too distant future.

Hardy says that he has Vanguard-1 monitoring WWE at all times, but also mentions he’s willing to DELETE Vince McMahon should he ever need to.