Mojo Rawley On Heel Turn: “I Painted My Face Like An Idiot For Nothing”

Mojo Rawley

Dean Muhtadi, better known to wrestling fans as Mojo Rawley, recently took part in an interview with Chris Van Vliet. During the discussion, he talked about his heel turn and face-painted gimmick he had briefly in WWE.

“I was so against that,” Rawley said through laughter when asked about the face paint. “I really didn’t want to do that. But truthfully the sketches didn’t look half bad. I remember thinking I hope when I wear this it looks this cool…”

Rawley continued to talk about how he pitched the idea of his character looking in a mirror and hyping himself up.

“I pitched this idea of everyone looks at themselves in the mirror and everyone hypes themselves up. Everyone has that degree of vanity, let me run with it. Let me cut promos where I am berating them for their shortcoming, and you don’t know who I am talking to.”

As the storyline would continue, it would be revealed that Rawley was talking to himself in the mirror. The angle took a bit of a turn, however, and ended up involving his character drawing on his own face.

“You find out later it’s me, and we can take this whole new attitude and run with it. Somehow that lead to me losing my mind and drawing on my face, I don’t know what it became.”

Mojo Rawley On Heel Run Against Apollo Crews

Rawley would continue to say he was really excited about having a run of matches with Apollo Crews. Unfortunately, it turns out his matches were to be short and fully written out for them beforehand.

“So they booked Apollo for my debut match in this new run. We were stoked, we were like lets go out and kill it, show them what we got. Then we found out it was a 60 second match that was written out entirely for us. Two and a half weeks, then it’s that, then it’s over. I just painted my face like an idiot for nothing.”

Mojo’s comments can be heard in the player below: