Renee Young Talks WWE’s Reaction To COVID-19 Announcement

Renee Young has discussed the reaction from WWE when she revealed to the world that she had tested positive for COVID-19. 

She did so when she appeared on the Sports Illustrated Media Podcast with Jimmy Traina. 

Back in June when she did first test positive, Dave Meltzer reported in an edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that Young didn’t receive any contact from Vince McMahon, Kevin Dunn, Paul Levesque or Mark Carrano to see how she was doing. However, a lot of wrestlers did contact her. 

Young recalled how she sent out the tweet to reveal the news and she was doing it because she got and in case there was anyone around her, she wanted to make sure those people got tested as they were exposed to the illness. 

“But yeah, it was … not well-received.” She was then asked how soon after the tweet did she hear from someone in WWE. 

“Well I tweeted it in the evening west coast time. So by the time I woke up was like a couple texts. You shouldn’t … not even that like you shouldn’t have posted it, but it was like, ‘We really wish that you gave us a heads up that you were gonna post it.’ It was, you know, bad for PR and whatnot. 

But again, I just like, I wouldn’t have even thought to be like, ‘Hey guys, I’m gonna tweet that I have COVID!’ That was just not what I was thinking about when I posted about it.” 

At the time that she had COVID, it was reported WWE officials were keeping talent in the dark regarding the names that had positive test results and how many positive cases of COVID-19 there were

You can listen to the full episode of Renee Young on the Sports Illustrated Media Podcast here or in the player embedded below:

Posted September 1st, 2020 in WWE, News. Tagged: .

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