Home News Ric Flair On If He Has One More Match Left In Him

Ric Flair On If He Has One More Match Left In Him

Ric Flair On If He Has One More Match Left In Him
(via WWE)

Ric Flair Flair recently spent some time on his Wooo Nation Uncensored podcast talking about if he has one more match left in him. This summer, Flair got physical during Andrade’s match at AAA’s TripleMania event. Mark Madden asked him about this during the show.

“I can do anything,” Flair said. “WWE won’t let me do anything.”

Flair continued to talk about his efforts to get WWE to let him be physical in the ring before his departure from the company.

“I totally understand, they’ve got so much liability. I told them I’d sign anything. Nobody wants me to die on their watch, if that makes sense. I’d rather die in the ring.”

Madden responded that he’d rather Flair didn’t die at all. “No, but I meant if I have to go,” Flair answered him.

“I’d rather not spend another 31 days in the ICU on life support, does that make sense?” Flair continued.

“It took me 3 years to get back to my feet after that. I did not just snap up.”

He continued to talk about how his wife Wendy supported him and took a class on how to best help him.

“I can never, ever, thank her enough,” he said of Wendy.

Flair’s comments can be heard in the player below:

If you use any of the above quotes please credit Ric Flair’s YouTube channel and give a H/T to SEScoops for the transcriptions.