Ronda Rousey released a video on her YouTube channel this weekend discussing her upcoming “dream match” with Sasha Banks. In the video (below), Rousey lays out why Banks is her dream match, and explains why she is better equipped to wrestle the four-time Raw Women’s Champion now than at any point in her short wrestling career.
Why Is Sasha Banks Ronda Rousey’s Dream Match?
“Everyone always asks me what my dream match is, and I always say Sasha Banks,” Rousey said. “I think more people in the women’s division have had their best matches with Sasha than with anyone else. My opinion.”
Rousey says that Banks’s combination of athleticism and wrestling IQ bring something special to the table.
“One reason I’m so excited to have a match with her is there’s so many things that only me and her can do,” said Rousey.
“Very, very small and very, very durable is not a common combination.”
“There’s certain things I’ll only be able to do with her just because of how athletic and knowledgeable of wrestling she is.”
“I’ve always been really excited about for the potential of what she could bring out of me.”
Ronda also talks about her reaction when she was told that she would be working with Banks, and what their interactions backstage have been like.
“I’m so excited. When I found out, I marked out super hard. I was like, don’t be a mark around Sasha,” said Rousey.
“I’m totally like a mark around her sometimes. She probably thinks I’m being, like, creepy nice to her.”
Why Now Is The Perfect Time For Ronda Rousey’s Dream Match
As she wraps up her first full year in WWE, Rousey says that she thinks she is much more ready to wrestle Banks than if they had been booked together earlier.
“Up until this point, I didn’t really think I was at the level where I could fully take advantage of the opportunity of being able to have a match with her,” said Rousey.
Rousey says that she memorized her WrestleMania match last year move for move, and likens learning to call things in the ring to learning a new language.
“It’s like moving to Spain and not speaking any Spanish. After a year, you learn how to speak Spanish,” Rousey said.
She also used a debate analogy to describe her knowledge base increasing.
“It’s like being on debate team, but the debate is in a language you don’t know,” said Rousey.
“After being so immersed it in, it’s not like I completely know the language, but I know enough to get my point across.”
“I might not have the greatest vocabulary to put things in the perfect way, and to be as succinct and articulate as I would want to be, but I can speak enough for you to understand what I mean.”
“So, in short, I’m really f—ing excited to have a match with Sasha Banks,” said Rousey.
“This is my dream match.”
You can see Rousey’s full comments below: