Ryback Believes That WWE ‘Killed Off’ Live Events Due to AEW

Former WWE Superstar Ryback recently discussed WWE laying off the majority of their Live Events department recently. The Big Guy revealed why he believes the company did so on the Shooting Blanks Wrestling Report this week.

Ryback would state that whilst on the surface WWE have had to remove Live Events due to the COVID-19 pandemic? In reality they had to cut down on dates because of the more attractive offering that All Elite Wrestling has in place.

Ryback on WWE Live Events

“We talked about this before with AEW” Ryback began on the podcast. “Either they’re gonna force WWE to change some of their business tactics, their model and improve.
Or WWE is going to just keep slowly burning, because more and more talent are going to leave for this better place with money.”

“The money is just as good or close to as good and [you’re] working one day a week” Ryback continued. “I think they’re [the talent] smart enough to realize [that] because they don’t care about the talent? It’s just the way that it is. They look at this as an opportunity, they can change the business model, because of the circumstances of society in the world. But in reality? they’re changing because they have to change in order to keep talent happier.”

“With the competition, AEW, on the rise? It’s great thing for the wrestlers regardless. But they’ve never stopped Live Events, never” Ryback continued. “Since Vince Jr has taken over? They have never stopped live events, and they never would [if they could avoid it]. He [Vince McMahon] finds a way to make money regardless. Again with AEW and things changing? I think they see this is as…they have to adjust. That’s in order to keep talent happy and from losing more.”

Do you agree with Ryback? Let us know in the comments

Posted September 24th, 2020 in WWE, News. Tagged: , .

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