Sami Callihan Compares Current Gimmick With Solomon Crowe

Sami Callihan recently returned to Impact Wrestling. He took a brief hiatus from the promotion after losing the world title but returned as the man behind the ICU hacking incidents as of late. He is now scheduled to face Ken Shamrock next week on the 1st night of Rebellion.

During an interview with Chris Van Vliet, Sami talked about his current gimmick in Impact and comparisons to his Solomon Crowe gimmick in NXT.

“Yeah but done the correct way,” Callihan responded when Van Vliet mentioned his current character is similar to the one he did in NXT. “And that’s not sh**ing on WWE at this point, they did not understand it at all.”

“We really didn’t even get to pull the trigger on the hacker cyber-punk character really at all,” he continued. “It was something that me and Dusty Rhodes had really written out, came up with ideas on and it was something that I came up with from being a big video game nerd and actually watching the movie Hackers.”

Callihan continued to say that when he suggested the character in NXT someone from the office asked him why a hacker would wrestle?

“Why would the Undertaker wrestle? He strikes dude with lightning bolts, I don’t think that’s really the hill to die on but it just didn’t click, I didn’t click,” Callihan said. He would continue to say that Impact is now trusting him to think outside of the box with the character, however.

The full interview with Chris Van Vliet can be viewed in the player below:

Posted April 18th, 2020 in TNA, News. Tagged: .

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