Scott Hall Says Eric Bischoff Should Be Included In NWO Hall of Fame Induction

Recently on the Jericho Cruise, several former members of the New World Order took part in a panel discussion. During the conversation, the topic of what NWO members should be included in the WWE Hall of Fame induction was brought up. The sentiment amongst the panel was that Eric Bischoff should be one of the members going into the Hall of Fame in Tampa Bay before WrestleMania this year.

“You know how things operate up there, it’s not about what you produced or ticket sales,” Hall said when asked what NWO members should be going in. “I certainly think, I would start with Eric (Bischoff).”

Jericho then chimed in on the topic as well.

“I agree times a thousand,” Jericho said. “I think the reason why (Bischoff’s) probably not going in is there’s still the residual heat.”

“Who knows? I don’t think about it too much,” Bischoff himself mentioned.

Hall then joked that Bischoff only thinks about it every time he does his podcast.

The episode of Talk is Jericho can be found here.

Others Comment On Eric Bischoff’s Omission From Hall of Fame Induction

“I think it’s crazy, I’m bummed out that Eric Bischoff is not in on this. I feel bad for that, I actually feel bad about that. It goes without saying,” Waltman said about Bischoff not being included.

Bischoff would later react to Waltman’s comments.

“That’s nice of him to say, but he’s not calling the shots, so it really doesn’t matter. I wish he was. That’d be great. I’d like to hang out with my buddies at WrestleMania, that’d be wonderful, but I don’t worry about that. I knew as soon as I saw that, I go, ‘Oh my gosh, my Twitter feed is going to be overloaded with comments about this, I’m going to be dealing with it now for weeks.’ But I love those guys. Those four guys, especially Hulk, these are guys that I have deep affection for, and respect for, so I couldn’t be happier.”

Posted January 31st, 2020 in WWE, News. Tagged: , .

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