*Spoilers* TNA Impact Tapings Results From The UK (Airing 1/31)

TNA Impact Wrestling taping
Manchester, England
Report by Benjamin Ridgeway

I was in attendance third row from the front which was nice cage was already up on the ring. They did the usual “if your the loudest you can go backstage” (I’ve never seen anyone go backstage). This was my fourth TNA live event.

1. Kurt Angle beat Mr. Anderson in a steel cage. Angle won with the ankle lock very good back and forth with some nice spots. After the match, and Aces & 8’s member climbed the cage. Angle waved Wes Briscoe in and he locked the cage. The masked Aces & 8’s member revealed himself to be Garett Bischoff, and Brisco helped him beat up angle.

2. Magnus beat Devon.

3. Joseph Park beat Robbie E. With a splash from top rope.

4. Austin Aries beat Chavo Guerrero. Aries and Roode get a tag title shot on next week show.

5. Velvet Sky and James Storm beat Tara and Jessie. Straight forward mixed tag match with Velvet pinning Tara.

6. X Division Champion Rob Van Dam beat Kenny King and Zema Ion. Some nice spots. I felt sorry for them as there were not a lot of mats outside as usual for their ringside dives. There was actually only one mat each on each side. At one point, RVD actually missed the mat and landed on concrete. It sounded awful but he seemed okay.

Overall, this was the best TNA show I have been to. The crowd was noisy and I cannot wait to see what it’s like on TV. I even got a piece of the table to go home with.

(Credit to prowrestling.net for this report)

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