Credit to Matt Baxendell for the following notes from the Impact Wrestling taping which will air on November 10th…
– Garrett Bischoff has a match with Gunner. Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair get involved.
– Sorensen defeats Zema Ion. Kid Kash comes out and a three way with Sorensen vs. Kash vs. Aries is set for Turning Point.
– Bobby Roode cuts a promo as the new champion.
– Eric Young and a guy from Jersey Shore defeat Robbie E. and a partner.
– AJ Styles defeated Daniels. Daniels was going to use a screwdriver but RVD made the save.
– Hardy/Anderson/Abyss defeat Immortal when Abyss pins Steiner.
– James Storm was attacked backstage, but the Storm vs. Roode rematch still takes place. Roode wins after Storm passes out from blood loss. AJ Styles comes out and challenges Roode for Turning Point.
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