Here are detailed spoiler results for tonight’s WWE SmackDown on SyFy, taped Tuesday night from Lexington, Kentucky. Credit to Wrestling News World for this recap:
* It’s announced that Sheamus will face Mark Henry at SummerSlam but tonight he’ll face The Great Khali.
* Sheamus b. The Great Khali
* Natalya b. AJ and continues the assault after the match.
* Debuting new music, Daniel Bryan vs. Tyson Kidd. Winner via LeBell Lock, Daniel Bryan.
* Zack Ryder comes out with WWE Intercontinental Champion Ezekiel Jackson. Ryder gets on the mic and Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase interrupt. Teddy Long ends up coming out and informs Ryder he will face Jackson up next.
* WWE Intercontinental Champion Ezekiel Jackson b. Zack Ryder.
* Triple H comes out and ends up giving Zack Ryder the Pedigree off-camera. VIDEO:
* Mark Henry b. Vladimir Kozlov. Henry goes ballastic after the match which brings Sheamus out for the save.
* WWE Tag Team Champions David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty & JTG b. The Usos & Trent Baretta
* World Heavyweight Champion Christian & R-Truth b. Randy Orton & John Morrison when Christian pinned Orton.
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