Home News Steve Austin & Brock Lesnar’s Verbal Battle Continues

Steve Austin & Brock Lesnar’s Verbal Battle Continues


Steve Austin and Brock Lesnar’s war of words continues.

After calling out Steve Austin earlier this week for ducking him back in 2002 when they were supposed to work together in WWE, Lesnar intensified his comments about Austin during an interview with IGN.com:

“There’s a guy that’s been on a winning streak for a long time that somebody needs to step up to the plate and finish the winning streak. But then there’s another side of me that says if there was a chance for me to come back to fight a guy, it would be the guy that I was supposed to fight that chicken-sh**ted out on me and didn’t show up, and that would be “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin chicken-sh**ted out on me and walked away and didn’t want to participate because he thought that I was getting something too fast too soon and he felt threatened by me.”

Austin, showing patience and self control we didn’t always see during his beer-swilling hell-raising WWE days, responded to Lesnar on Twitter:

“At a bit of a crossroads here. on one hand go after @DCBROCKLESNAR after his comments..on other hand deer season is very near. #decisions

Just called my taxidermist…got two quotes on shoulder mounts… #decisions”

  • COMMENT BELOW: Could we actually see an Austin vs. Lesnar match in WWE at some point?

In case Brock Lesnar forgot what happens when you get in Steve Austin’s face, here’s a reminder: