WWE Hall of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin recently spoke to Rolling Stone to promote WrestleMania 32. Here are some highlights:
– Austin acknowledged that it will be hard for WWE to sell out AT&T Stadium. As noted earlier this week, WWE has sold less than 70,000 tickets. Austin said the “sells itself” to some degree, but you still need main event players in top storylines.
– Regarding who has stepped up in WWE, Austin praised Kevin Owens and said Neville. Austin said he would like to see more involvement from Brock Lesnar on RAW so he can connect with the crowd in a more meaningful way.
– Austin talked about his Broken Skull IPA beer, which is now available in California from the El Segundo Brewing Company.
– When asked about what he misses most about wrestling, Austin said, “Goddang, I’ll tell you what. When you walk out, and that f*cking glass breaks, and those motherfuckers jump out of their seats, there ain’t nothin’ like that in the world. As drunk as I ever got, nothing touches that feeling. In my life, what replaces that or comes close? Nothing.”