The Latest On Undertaker’s WM27 Opponent & Shoulder Injury


With all the buzz surrounding the Brock Lesnar – Undertaker confrontation at UFC 121 last weekend, its becoming more apparent that the chances of the two men actually wrestling in a WWE ring are virtually zero. The match would have been a blockbuster, but Lesnar is under UFC  contract and UFC President Dana White says it ain’t happening.

There’s been a lot of discussion by WWE creative in recent months about who will wrestle the Dead Man at WrestleMania. Two names that have been rumored are John Cena and Sheamus. More recently, the fron-runner is Nexus leader Wade Barrett. At Sunday’s Survivor Series pay-per-view, Barrett’s Nexus group interfered in the Undertaker’s Buried Alive match, attacking him and costing him the victory. WWE is very behind Wade Barrett right now and are confident he’s on the verge of being solidified as a new heel main evener.

We reported here that The Undertaker’s shoulder is injured and he is being evaluated this week to determine whether it will require surgery to repair. Surgery would keep him out of action for around four months and the feeling is that if surgery is needed – he should get it over with now so he can be back in time to kick off WrestleMania season in a few months.


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