The follow are results from Monday night’s TNA television tapings from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida:
- Marti Bell beat Raquel
- DJ Zema Ion beat Andrew Everett
- Mandrews beat Balam
Future Impact episode:
- Braxton Sutter beat Rockstar Spud but got beatdown after the match. This was originally Balam vs. Spud but Spud demanded Balam give him his spot
One Night Only – World Cup PPV:
- Team Hardy: Jeff Hardy, Eddie Edwards, Robbie E, Jessie Godderz, Jade
- Team Bennett: Mike Bennett, EC3, Grado, Crazzy Steve, Rosemary
- Team Drake: Eli Drake, Drew Galloway, Mahabali Shera, Baron Dax, Sienna
- Team Storm: James Storm, Bram, Trevor Lee, Basille Baraca, Madison Rayne
- Bram beat Crazzy Steve
- Drew Galloway beat Trevor Lee
- EC3 beat Basille Baraca
- Jessie Godderz beat Baron Dax
- Jade beat Madison Rayne, Rosemary and Sienna
- Mike Bennett beat Jeff Hardy
- James Storm beat Eli Drake
- Grado beat Robbie E
Team Hardy defeated Team Bennett in an Elimination Match to win the World Cup after Godderz pinned Bennett.