Tony Khan spoke with the media following last night’s AEW Full Gear PPV in Baltimore. Khan confirmed that no serious injuries took place during the event, even during the “Lights Out” match between Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley.
“Tonight’s PPV, I’m just really happy for the guys,” Khan said backstage. “Everybody’s fine, (there were not) any serious injuries, thankfully. I’m really happy for them.”
Later in the interview, Khan addressed Moxley vs Omega specifically.
“It was pretty gruesome,” Khan said. “I was very concerned for both guys because they are obviously two of the biggest stars not just two of the biggest stars in AEW but two of the biggest stars in wrestling.”
“We were concerned about it for sure but it was a great match and we’re really happy with it.”
Tony Khan Media Scrum Notes
Khan also stated that nothing about MJF throwing the towel in on Cody changes the stipulation that Cody can no longer challenge for the AEW World Championship.
Signature PPVs “Double or Nothing” and “All Out” will continue to be held in Las Vegas and Chicago respectively.
Khan is happy with the ratings but even more pleased with the quality of the AEW Dynamite shows.
They’ve never changed anything on their shows based on what NXT is doing and do not have a monitor backstage keeping track of what is on the other show.
Trent is someone Khan believes in and the Best Friends have done well in the ratings.
The ratings in Canada are strong and they hope to run a show there next year. Same with London, England but he doesn’t have exact dates.
Bringing in the Rock N Roll Express was the Young Bucks idea but Khan was all for it.
Lots of people loved Chris Jericho’s video on Dynamite this week but Khan was surprised that many didn’t notice it was a shot-for-shot remake of Cody’s video from a previous show.
“We’ve shifted wrestling, Wednesday night is the night to watch wrestling now,” Khan also said during the scrum. “Think of what we’ve done in a year. We’ve done a few of the best PPVs I’ve ever seen and what we’ve done for TV has shifted the landscape completely.”
Tony Khan Fantasy Booking In Baltimore Arena
Khan was also asked about throwing an event in the famous Baltimore Arena (now known as the Royal Farms Arena). The AEW President admitted he’s fantasy-booked plenty of events in the arena before so it was nice to do it for real with Full Gear.
“It’s really cool because I followed events my whole life in this building, it’s a great building with a lot of history in wrestling and I’ve frankly – it’s no secret I’ve played around writing wrestling shows my whole life and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t written a lot of shows here. It’s my first Full Gear here, I’ve done a lot of Dynamites here.”
Tony Khan’s full media scrum can be viewed in the player below: