Triple H Talks About Competing With AEW, Raw’s Runtime, Cancel Culture

WWE Hall of Famer Triple H has opened up about WWE competing with AEW, Raw's three-hour runtime, and his thoughts on Cancel Culture.

Triple H recently joined The Bill Simmons Podcast, where he broached the competition between WWE’s NXT and AEW Dynamite each Wednesday night. He also addressed Raw’s runtime and shared his thoughts on Cancel Culture.

“The Game” stressed how having competition is a good thing as it “keeps things fresh and going strong.” He refused to belittle AEW or those involved with the promotion before sharing how long-term success “[…] takes time and effort as there’s a lot of pieces to move.”

He explained how WWE is a company that has managed to recreate itself and stay relevant throughout the years.

HHH added how “The strength of this company is being able to withstand the ebbs and flows of the business.”

Triple H On Why Raw’s Runtime, Cancel Culture

When asked about why Monday Night Raw is three hours long, Triple H explained how it is a financially driven decision.

That being said, HHH stressed how it is “exponentially harder to write a third hour of television.”

He noted it’s a difficult task to achieve each week before joking about how he doesn’t even like three-hour movies.

Triple H then addressed WWE’s current approach to trialing different storylines. He brought up the concept of Cancel Culture, highlighting how “we’re in that no matter what you do or say.” 

HHH stressed how WWE has to be “more calculated” with its storytelling compared to the past. He shared how WWE could once “[…] run an angle in the past and try to maintain a line and try to go far with that line, get some backlash and then you can pull it back and it goes away. Now, today, it’s just different and you have to be careful with all of that. You see it everywhere across the board. It’s too easy to put yourself in a position that people just say they’re done.”

According to Triple H, it’s difficult to “latch on to a moment in time.” He argued how this is because that moment may be intense but brief, and “two weeks later nobody’s talking about it anymore” despite having been such an issue at the time.

Triple H recently revealed WWE’s investigation into alleged incidents involving Velveteen Dream “didn’t find anything.” WWE has subsequently “moved on” from the controversial situation.

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