Home News Update On Accused Steroid Dealer’s Claims Against Roman Reigns

Update On Accused Steroid Dealer’s Claims Against Roman Reigns

Update On Accused Steroid Dealer’s Claims Against Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns (photo: WWE.com)

Accused steroid dealer Richard Rodriguez claims he will produce ‘evidence’ that proves Roman Reigns was one of his clients.

Rodriguez was arrested by the DEA last February after a raid on his Iron Addicts Gym in Miami, Florida. From jail, Rodriguez has implicated Reigns and Hollywood stars Mark Wahlberg and Josh Duhamel as some of his high-profile customers.

As Rodriguez’s allegations made headlines last month, Roman Reigns put a statement forcefully denying everything. Not only did Roman Reigns deny taking banned substances, but he claims he’s ever heard of Richard Rodriguez or his companies.

Reigns stated, “I learned from the mistake I made nearly two years ago and paid the penalty for it. Since then, I’ve passed 11 tests as part of WWE’s independent drug testing program.”

Rodriguez claims Reigns and several other WWE Superstars have been passing WWE’s Wellness drug tests by using short-acting testosterone that moves through their systems quickly and is harder to detect.

In his latest video featuring a phone conversation with Richard Rodriguez, documentarian Jon Bravo and Rodriguez outline their “evidence” against Josh Duhamel and claim they will produce evidence against Roman Reigns later this week.