VIDEO: Prince Devitt Cuts Promo Addressing Rumors About Going To WWE

As previously reported, Prince Devitt has been booked by New Japan for a “Loser Leaves Town” match on April 6th. Many are pointing to this as another possible sign that he’s going to accept the offer on the table to come to WWE.

On Sunday, after winning the Zero G title in Scotland, Devitt cut a promo to address these rumors. You can check that out above.

We also received this live report from reader Pablo regarding last night’s Prince Devitt appearance:

Prince Devitt made a surprise appearance at ICW in Glasgow last night. He won their Zero G Title from Mark Coffey then cut a promo.

He said that there were all kinds of rumors about his future, about him going to TNA or WWE, but his future was “right here.”

Make of that what you will.

ICW is a Scottish promotion which is currently expanding and growing into England as the result of major mainstream publicity. Last night’s show was a 1100 sell out (three weeks in advance.) Their belts don’t change hands very often.

They may just have Devitt booked for their London show to drop the title, but it’s interesting that he seemed pretty committed last night.

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