WALTER Challenges KUSHIDA To A Match On NXT
Speaking with WWE after competing at EVOLVE, WWE NXT United Kingdom Champion WALTER lobbied a challenge for KUSHIDA. His challenge follows their altercation on last week’s NXT.
“KUSHIDA made the biggest mistake of his whole career. He needs to understand where his position is in our sport,” WALTER stated.
He continued, “So let’s consider this a challenge. Why doesn’t KUSHIDA find two guys that are foolish enough to stand by him, to step up against Imperium this Wednesday on NXT live. Because KUSHIDA and everyone else in NXT will soon realize that Imperium controls the time, and most importantly, we own the ring.”
Imperium On NXT
Imperium made a surprise appearance during NXT’s premiere on USA Network. Alexander Wolfe, Fabian Aichner, and Marcel Barthel were in the ring following an assault on Denzel Dejournette. Dejournette was scheduled to compete against KUSHIDA. The trio was shortly joined by their leader, WALTER.
KUSHIDA would interrupt them, using his speed to get in some offence before leaving them frustrated in the ring.
WALTER has previously stated that he has no interest in moving to America to join NXT. Triple H’s attitude towards the WWE landscape is that any move between brands is “lateral movement” rather than being a move up or promotion. With this in mind, WALTER’s current involvement with the black-and-gold brand is most probably temporary, unless he has changed his thoughts on immigrating.