Wrestling’s Connection To The U.S. Presidential Debate

One of the cardinal rules of wrestling is to not blend it in with politics, but with a genre that was birthed out of the carnival grounds, it’s hard to avoid comparisons.

The U.S. Presidential Debate took place on Thursday night with former President Donald Trump going up against current President Joe Biden. This is the earliest debate to ever happen during an election year and it will go down as the most controversial.

For starters, there was no live audience or media in attendance with the expection of the moderators. Secondly, Trump and Biden were not allowed to have notes in front of them and whenever it was not their turn to talk their mics were muted. From both sides of the podium, the performances of Biden and Trump were resoundingly underhwhelming. However, Biden’s performance has been greatly panned, causing voters and pundits alike to question the future of the 2024 election.

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Despite the debate not being as captivating as the current Bloodline saga, the location of the occurance does have its ties to wrestling history. Donald Trump’s WWE Hall of Fame status notwithstanding, the venue in which the debate was hosted originally played host to classic wrestling. Former WCW announcer David Penzer provided some insight on X.

“Did you know… that the studio that the POTUS Debate is tomorrow is the same studio where Georgia Championship Wrestling and later World Championship Wrestling were taped in the 70’s & 80’s???”

With Trump aiming to secure his second term as President, much of the speculation as to how he patterned his political presence off of Zeb Colter, aka Dutch Mantell during his “For The People” era. It was around that same time when Trump was inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame.

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Posted June 29th, 2024 in News. Tagged: .

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