WWE Extreme Rules Results – April 26, 2015

WWE Extreme Rules 2015

The 2015 WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view opens up with Lilian Garcia informing us that the Chicago Street Fight will open the show. We shoot to the announcers, who welcome us to the show.

Chicago Street Fight
– Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper

Dean Ambrose makes his way out. Luke Harper comes out next and within seconds, Ambrose attacks him. The referee tries to restore order enough, and does, long enough to ring the bell.

Within a minute, we’ve got chairs, chair shots, kendo sticks, kendo stick shots and plenty of hardcore action going on in the early goings.

Ambrose goes for a tornado DDT, but Harper pushes him off and shoves him face-first into a steel chair wedged between the bottom and middle ropes. The Chicago fans break out into a loud “let’s go Ambrose” chant.

The brawl continues, spilling all of the way back into the backstage area, with each guy using every weapon in sight — too many to even list. Finally, the guys fight and brawl their way off the screen as the two get into a car and leave, and it looks like this match is going to continue later on tonight.

Backstage: Triple H, Kane & Seth Rollins

As the un-seen Ambrose-Harper action continues off-screen, the fans chant “CM Punk” loud as hell as we shoot to a backstage segment with Kane and Seth Rollins. Someone told Kane he did good on Monday, because he’s now doing his best “Days Of Our Lives” impression in this short, two-minute backstage pro wrestling segment. HHH tells both guys that Rollins is making his first defense tonight, he wants to make sure Kane doesn’t screw that up. He asks both guys to put aside their differences. The fans start chanting “Boring! Boring!” louder than you can imagine. Kane assures both HHH and Rollins that tonight, he will do what’s best for business. I’m pretty sure you can predict where that’s going (he’s going to come out and “shock” everyone by helping Rollins).

Kiss My Arse Match
– Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus

After the backstage segment, Dolph Ziggler makes his way out to the ring. It’s time for the “Kiss My Arse” match. The announcers acknowledge all of Ziggler’s controversial tweets about this match. So, you can pretty much forget about any “Montreal Screwjob” stuff happening in this one.

Sheamus comes out next to a chorus of boos. The bell rings and here we go. It doesn’t take long before Sheamus starts dominating the action. Sheamus gets outside of the ring and with Ziggler dominated, tells him he’s gonna kiss his “arse” tonight. Back in the ring, “The Celtic Warrior” continues the punishment.

Sheamus has literally dominated this entire match. We’re several minutes into this match and Ziggler has been either selling or on the defensive the entire time.

Ziggler gets a hope series of offense, teasing a comeback, but after a few seconds, Sheamus takes right back over of the offense. He plays to the Chicago fans, who are boo’ing the hell out of him as he does it.

Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick, however Ziggler avoids it. He tries to roll Sheamus up for a pin, but Sheamus kicks out at two and goes back to kicking his ass. Literally seconds later — literally — he rolls him up again, and without any offense, somehow scores the three count. Sheamus looks shocked.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After The Match

To keep it simple, Sheamus tries to run away, plays around almost forever looking like he’s dreading what he’s about to do, only to never do it. He takes Ziggler out with a low blow and then Brogue Kicks him. While Ziggler is unconscious, Sheamus grabs him and puts his face in his “arse” — trunks up — no lips — but it happened. Nice double-swerve, which JBL — Vince’s mouth piece — is strongly selling as we go to a commercial.

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