WWE NXT Results & Live Coverage (12/11)

The December 11th, 2019 edition of WWE’s NXT aired live on the USA Network from Full Sail University in Winter Park, FL.

– This week’s broadcast opens up with a video package hosted by NXT Champion Adam Cole. Cole says none of the three men in tonight’s Triple Threat #1 contenders match tonight are worthy of a shot at his Title.

– Mauro Ranallo welcomes us to the arena, and it looks like we are kicking off the show tonight with the Cruiserweight Title match.

Lio Rush (c) vs. Angel Garza: Rush charges Garza off the opening bell and pummels on him in the corner. The fight spills out to ringside and Garza turns it around. Back in the ring, Garza drops Rush for the first pin attempt of the match. Rush tries to mount a comeback, but Garza drops him again with a superkick. They trade strikes now until Rush connects with several knee strikes. Rush misses a shot, and Garza drops Rush neck-first across the top rope and Rush falls out to ringside. Back in the ring, Garza tries to keep Rush grounded, but Rush is able to fight up with a series of strikes. Garza takes him back down with a spinning powerslam for a two count. Rush comes back with a hurricanrana and a soccer kick to the head. Garza blocks a hurricanrana attempt, but Rush is still able to dump Garza out to ringside. Rush hits a springboard moonsault on Garza at ringside, then takes him back in the ring. Rush misses a shot and Garza hits the springboard stunner for a two count. Rush and Garza fight up the turnbuckle now. Garza ends up hitting a Spanish Fly off the top rope for another two count. Garza and Rush trade big strikes now and both men go down. Rush dumps Garza out to ringside, but then Rush misses a shot on the floor. Back in the ring, Garza hits the Wing Clipper for a two count. Garza can’t believe it, and he immediately puts Rush into a reverse Full Nelson for the win via submission.

Winner & new Cruiserweight Champion: Angel Garza

– Garza celebrates with his new NXT Cruiserweight Title.

– We go to a video package looking at Shayna Baszler driving her classic Mustang and cutting a promo on Rhea Ripley.

– Cameron Grimes is shown backstage jumping up and down.

– We see footage from during the commercial break of Angela Garza bringing his girlfriend into the ring to propose to her, and she says yes.

Cameron Grimes vs. Raul Mendoza: Mendoza starts off strong and dumps Grimes outside, then hits a Tornado DDT on the floor. Back in the ring, Grimes turns it around with a running cross body. Kushida comes out to ringside and distracts Grimes. Mendoza hits a Frankensteiner on Grimes for the three count.

Winner: Raul Mendoza

– Mendoza heads up the ramp to celebrate on the stage. Kushida steals Grimes’ hat from ringside and heads to the back.

– Mia Yim is backstage for a brief interview where she talks about how much pain she wants to inflict on Dakota Kai tonight.

– We go to a video package looking at NXT UK’s Travis Banks.

Jaxson Ryker vs. Travis Banks: Cutler and Blake are at ringside. The opening bell sounds and Ryker starts off throwing strikes, then Banks blocks one and fires back with some of his own. They brawl out to ringside, and Ryker drops Banks on the floor. Back in the ring, Ryker continues the offense. Ryker hits a springboard suplex and keeps Banks grounded. Banks finally mounts some offense, but Ryker stuns him with a knee to the face. It looks like Banks is bleeding from a cut near his eye. Banks fights back and connects with a kick, then hits the Slice From Heaven for the three count.

Winner: Travis Banks

– Banks heads up the ramps as Cutler and Blake hit the ring to check on Ryker.

– Still to come: Mia Yim vs. Dakota Kai

Mia Yim vs. Dakota Kai: Kai is still carrying Tegan Nox’s knee brace. Yim hits a dropkick off the opening bell, and both women trade strikes now. Yim starts working over Kai’s knee. They trade kicks and fight out to the ringside floor. Yim throws Kai into the ring steps then hits a cannonball splash on her. Back in the ring, Kai fights back with a big boot for a two count. they trade strikes back and forth now until Yim catches Kai with an overhead suplex for a two count. Kai reverses a Code Blue, but Yim goes for it again and she connects on the second Code Blue attempt. Yim pins for a two count. Kai fights back and hits a sit out powerbomb for a two count of her own. Kai misses a big boot and Yim fires back with a German suplex for another two count. They fight out to again again, then on the way back in the ring Kai grabs the knee brace. The ref stops her. Yim charges but she runs into a kick from Kai. Kai exposes one of the turnbuckles. Yim tries to fight up, but Kai sends her into the exposed turnbuckle, then rolls her up for the three count.

Winner: Dakota Kai

– After the match, Yim attacks Kai and they fight over to a production area. They fight up on top of a platform, and Kai suplexes Kai off the platform through a table on the floor below. The crowd goes crazy as Yim slowly recovers and heads to the back. Kai is still down.

– Mauro sends us to a video package looking at Keith Lee before the commercial break.

Breezango vs. The Singh Brothers: The Singh BRothers take some cheap shots early on in this one. The fight spills out to ringside and Breezango turns it around with some double team moves. Back in the ring, Fandango hits the flying leg drop from the top rope on Samir for the three count after a short but competitive match.

Winners: Breezango

– The announcers promote the “Takeover: Brooklyn 2015” special airing on the USA Network tonight.

– We come back from the commercial break with a video package looking at next week’s NXT Women’s Title match.

Kayden Carter vs. Bianca Belair: They talk trash over the opening bell and Bianca throws her shirt at Carter then tackles her. Belair unloads with strikes in the opening moments. She misses a shot and Carter fires back with a kick. They brawl back and forth now until Belair takes her down with a backbreaker and a gutbuster. Belair hits another backbreaker now and keeps Carter grounded. Carter finally fights back with a jawbreaker. Carter misses her follow-up shot, and Belair answers with a spear in the corner. Belair lifts up Carter and spikes her on the mat for a two count. Belair controls the next several moments, but she wastes some time and Carter blocks a moonsault attempt. Carter fires up and dumps Belair outside. Carter hits a kick from the apron then takes her back in the ring. Carter misses a shot and Belair answers with a spear. Belair picks Carter up in the Torture Rack, then hits the KOD for the three count.

Winner: Bianca Belair

– Belair poses for the crowd as we go to replays.

– The announcers talk up tonight’s main event as NXT Champion Adam Cole comes out to ringside for a closer look at the upcoming #1 Contender match.

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Keith Lee vs. Finn Balor: The winner of this one gets a shot at Cole’s NXT Title. Balor strikes on Lee first after the opening bell, then Ciampa attacks Balor. Lee is back on his feet and Balor rolls outside for a breather. Lee rolls outside and Balor is now standing between Lee and Ciampa. Balor tries to get in the ring but Ciampa kicks him out, then Lee grabs him and slams him into the apron. Lee throws Balor back in the ring, then he slingshots himself in to drop both Balor and Ciampa. Lee dominates the next several moments of this one. Ciampa finally knocks Lee to the outside, and now Ciampa and Balor go at it. Ciampa hits a running knee on Balor, then Lee comes back in and Ciampa gives Lee a running knee strike too. Ciampa keeps the pressure on both Balor and Lee, and he hits a double draping DDT on both opponents. Ciampa gives Balor an Air Raid on top of Lee on the mat, then dumps him out to ringside. Ciampa focuses on Lee now and lays into him with strikes. Lee fights back and looks for a splash, but Ciampa gets his knees up to block it. Balor is back in the ring and hits a double stomp on Lee. Balor charges again, but this time Lee intercepts him with the Pounce. Lee drops Ciampa again and controls the pace of the match once again. Lee hits running splashes on both opponents, then launches Balor into Ciampa. Ciampa starts fighting back, then Balor comes over and they hit a double team suplex on Lee.

Ciampa beats on Balor now, and Ciampa looks for the Air Riad off the top, but Lee runs over and puts them both on his shoulders for a big slam. Fans go crazy chanting “NXT” now as Lee gets up. Lee looks for a moonsault on Ciampa but misses. Lee blocks a Fairytale Ending attempt, and he hits a Jackhammer on Ciampa. Balor comes over and rolls up Lee for a two count. Lee blocks the Slingblade, but Balor is able to reverse a powerbomb attempt into a Coupe De Grace. Balor dumps Ciampa and Lee outside and hits a dive. Back in the ring, Balor misses a Coup De Grace attempt on Ciampa. Lee runs in and Pounces Balor. Ciampa escapes a powerbomb, then he takes out Lee’s knee. Ciampa hits the Air Raid on Lee for a two count. Lee fights back and hits a moonsault on Ciampa for a two count of his own. Lee hits a powerbomb on Ciampa, but then Balor runs in and hits the Coupe De Grace on Lee out of nowhere for the three count.

Winner & new #1 contender: Finn Balor

– Balor celebrates in the ring as we go to replays. Mauro confrims Balor vs. Cole for the NXT Title next week. Cole watches from the stage, and the other Undisputed Era members join him. NXT goes off the air with the Era staring down Balor from the ramp.

Posted December 11th, 2019 in NXT.

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